Welcome to the Duryea, Pennsylvania 1910 Entire Census Records
Within these pages you will find the Entire 1910 Census Records of Duryea, PA.
PA Duryea 1910 Census Records
The Entire Collection of 1910 Census Records for the Borough of Duryea, Pennyslvania. If you are researching your ancestors from Duryea, we hope these records will make it much easier for you to further your research. After many trips to the library to research our own ancestors we figured it would be easier to have copies of these records at home. We realize many people are not able to visit the local libraries around Duryea to do this research so we scanned our copies and we are posting them here in hopes that they will benefit someone else.
Bernie Stiroh
Nancy Stiroh Davis
and the generous people of Duryea,PA
Preserving the past for the future!
PLEASE NOTE! The photos and information on these pages are to be
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included in any "FOR PROFIT!" Venture. The owners of the
original photos retain all copyrights to these photos. If you wish
to use them for profit, you need the permission of the original owner. If you see a
photo here that you own the copyright to and want it removed, Email Me with the
details and we will remove it. Since many of these are sent to us, it is hard to verify the information regarding each one. If you have additional information about something on this site, we would love to include it. If you see something that is incorrect, please let us know so we can correct it.
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