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Welcome to the Duryea, Pennsylvania
1945 to 1949 Contents Page

Within these pages you will find links to items relating to Duryea, PA from the years 1945 to 1949.

PA Coxton 1947 Black Diamond Train
PA Duryea 1945 46 Moran Thomas Report Card
PA Duryea 1945 Alexander Bill & Neice Norma Jean Sullivan
PA Duryea 1945 Alexander Bill & Norma Jean Connors
PA Duryea 1945 Alexander Charles Tom & Charles & Norma Jean Sullivan
PA Duryea 1945 Alexander Hazel & Granddaughter Norma Jean Sullivan
PA Duryea 1945 Am Legion Business Statement
PA Duryea 1945 American Legion Clambake Gambels Farm
PA Duryea 1945 American Legion Clambake Knopp Ermel Band
PA Duryea 1945 Andrilitis Alice & Friend
PA Duryea 1945 Arbach Vince Charlotte & Diane
PA Duryea 1945 Arbach Vince UA Army Air Corps & Diane at AAF Exhibition
PA Duryea 1945 Arbach Vince US Air Corps & Jap Zeke
PA Duryea 1945 Arbacheski Catherine with Alvina & Arlene Omelko
PA Duryea 1945 Baker Bill Absentee Ballot
PA Duryea 1945 Baker Bill Unemployment Card
PA Duryea 1945 Baker Marge & William Wedding Day
PA Duryea 1945 Baker William Draft Classification
PA Duryea 1945 Band on Stephenson St
PA Duryea 1945 Barlik House 222 Swetland St
PA Duryea 1945 Barton Gosser Pakutka And Friends
PA Duryea 1945 Bauman Andy John and Connie
PA Duryea 1945 Bauman Andy Olga Connie Andrew & Baby John
PA Duryea 1945 Bauman Connie Mom Andy & John
PA Duryea 1945 Bauman John
PA Duryea 1945 Belaski Mary Ann
PA Duryea 1945 Berger Joan with Rozella & Ray
PA Duryea 1945 Borthwick Nancy and Faith Jones
PA Duryea 1945 Brennan Rita and Chester Skowronski
PA Duryea 1945 Breymeier Bob Transportation Document
PA Duryea 1945 Breymeier Thomas US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Budzilek Stan
PA Duryea 1945 Bulavich Bar X Boys Military
PA Duryea 1945 Bulavich Joe and Bar X Boys Military
PA Duryea 1945 Burbich John and Illona
PA Duryea 1945 Burbich Portraits on Piano
PA Duryea 1945 Burbich Wojsnarowicz Families
PA Duryea 1945 Burke Margaret Rose & Patsy
PA Duryea 1945 Byank Gerri
PA Duryea 1945 Chicoski and Stanley Polak
PA Duryea 1945 Chmiel Bernice & Al with Dolores Wnenta
PA Duryea 1945 Christmas Murzenski Family
PA Duryea 1945 Class 30th Reunion w Names
PA Duryea 1945 Class 60th Reunion 2005
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion Committee
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 1958
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 1970
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 1975
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 1995 Program Pt 1
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 1995 Program Pt 2
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 1995
PA Duryea 1945 Class Reunion in 2000
PA Duryea 1945 Class Service Honor Roll
PA Duryea 1945 Collier Kathy & Grandfather George Spengler
PA Duryea 1945 Columbia St Kids by Horse
PA Duryea 1945 Cure Celia Diploma
PA Duryea 1945 Cure Mickey
PA Duryea 1945 Danoski Henry US Navy
PA Duryea 1945 DeBiasi Carmen & Dena Military
PA Duryea 1945 DeBiasi Carmen & Dena US Military
PA Duryea 1945 DeBiasi Carmen US Army
PA Duryea 1945 DeBiasi Carmen US Army & Friend
PA Duryea 1945 DeBiasi Carmen US Army with Machete
PA Duryea 1945 DeBiasi Carmen and Mom
PA Duryea 1945 Dixie Teeners Band
PA Duryea 1945 Dunay Family Evans Street
PA Duryea 1945 Duryea Junction Friends
PA Duryea 1945 Dutko Mike US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Ermel Ann and Friends at Party
PA Duryea 1945 Ermel Jack and Ann
PA Duryea 1945 Ermel Jack and Joan Sigman
PA Duryea 1945 Evancho Peter WW II Buried in Netherlands
PA Duryea 1945 Evancho Saloon Clambake 1
PA Duryea 1945 Evancho Saloon Clambake 2
PA Duryea 1945 Evancho Saloon Clambake 3
PA Duryea 1945 Evancho Saloon Clambake 4
PA Duryea 1945 Evancho Saloon Clambake 5
PA Duryea 1945 Excelsior Hose Co Ladies Auxilliary
PA Duryea 1945 Ferguson St Houses
PA Duryea 1945 Fitzpatrick Violet Schumann
PA Duryea 1945 Forrestal James Letter to John Grabowski US Navy
PA Duryea 1945 Fudala Honora
PA Duryea 1945 Getek Tony Graduation Day
PA Duryea 1945 Getson Bill Getchonis
PA Duryea 1945 Gillis Madeline Cap and Gown
PA Duryea 1945 Gillis Madeline Graduation
PA Duryea 1945 Gillow Charlie at High School
PA Duryea 1945 Gillow John John Jr George Andy Joe
PA Duryea 1945 Goldstein Sam & Manny with Eileen Danto
PA Duryea 1945 Gorman Danny
PA Duryea 1945 Grabowski John Award US Navy
PA Duryea 1945 Grabowski John US Navy Discharge Paper 1
PA Duryea 1945 Grabowski John US Navy Discharge Paper 2
PA Duryea 1945 Grabowski John and Stella
PA Duryea 1945 Grabowski Stella Navy Allowance
PA Duryea 1945 Grabowski Tom & Jess Rutkoski
PA Duryea 1945 Graduation Exercises Program
PA Duryea 1945 Graduation Program
PA Duryea 1945 Granahan Anthony E Discharge Paper
PA Duryea 1945 Gromelski Ed Munda at Clambake
PA Duryea 1945 Group of Guys by Yuhas Store
PA Duryea 1945 Guarilia Gene
PA Duryea 1945 Guditus Bill Draft Classification
PA Duryea 1945 Hantz Grabowski Families
PA Duryea 1945 Hantz Thelma
PA Duryea 1945 Harry the Barber Cash Register
PA Duryea 1945 Hazenski Leo
PA Duryea 1945 Heindle Martin
PA Duryea 1945 Herron Dorothy and Darlene
PA Duryea 1945 High School Class Reunites in 2005 with Names
PA Duryea 1945 High School Football Team w Names
PA Duryea 1945 High School Students and Mr Wywiorski
PA Duryea 1945 Hoeffner Ted US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Holy Rosary Sunday Ball Team w Names
PA Duryea 1945 Honor Roll Dedication Slatky Resavy
PA Duryea 1945 Honor Roll Dedication Some Names
PA Duryea 1945 Hoover Della Rev Al Zukauskas & Alice Andrulitis
PA Duryea 1945 Hoover Dolores Phyllis & Arlene Kolakowski
PA Duryea 1945 Janoski Ed Sailor
PA Duryea 1945 Jaross James High School Diploma
PA Duryea 1945 Jaross James and Robert US Marines
PA Duryea 1945 Jaroszewicz Catherine Credit Letter
PA Duryea 1945 Jaroszewicz Hantz Rent Receipt
PA Duryea 1945 Jarusewicz Cath Tax Statement
PA Duryea 1945 Jones Barbara in Snow
PA Duryea 1945 Jones Faith & Friend by Vintage Car
PA Duryea 1945 Jones Faith on Sled Ferguson St
PA Duryea 1945 Jones Faith with Friend & Dog
PA Duryea 1945 Junior High Class Homeroom
PA Duryea 1945 Junior High School Class 7th Grade
PA Duryea 1945 Kacsmar John Confirmation
PA Duryea 1945 Kacsmar John and Susan
PA Duryea 1945 Kaczmerczyk Lorraine and Mom Helen
PA Duryea 1945 Kaczmerczyk Lorraine
PA Duryea 1945 Kalafut Jerome & Dick Lugg Football
PA Duryea 1945 Kashuda Ed US Navy & Friends
PA Duryea 1945 Kehoe Berge Breaker
PA Duryea 1945 Kelly Tom Military USN
PA Duryea 1945 Klink Kids
PA Duryea 1945 Klink Ronald Adam & Bernard
PA Duryea 1945 Klink Smitka Families
PA Duryea 1945 Klink Sophie Nasiatka with Ronald & Bernard
PA Duryea 1945 Koes Dee & Faith Jones
PA Duryea 1945 Koes Janice Faith Jones & Judy Koes
PA Duryea 1945 Koes John and Children
PA Duryea 1945 Komensky and Zborovian Families
PA Duryea 1945 Korncavage Leo Jenny and Family
PA Duryea 1945 Krzynowek Barbara
PA Duryea 1945 Krzynowek Teddy Barbara Jerry
PA Duryea 1945 Kupcho John in Uniform
PA Duryea 1945 Kupcho Mike & Carol
PA Duryea 1945 Lankowski Charlotte and Friend
PA Duryea 1945 Lasky Joseph Discharge Papers 1
PA Duryea 1945 Lasky Joseph Discharge Papers 2
PA Duryea 1945 Lech Henry Lee at Polish Falcons Clambake
PA Duryea 1945 Lech Henry Playing at Clambake
PA Duryea 1945 Levandoski Ed US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Mailman John O Malley & George Collier
PA Duryea 1945 Mailman John O Malley & George Collier
PA Duryea 1945 Makovnik Michael Tax Bill
PA Duryea 1945 Malinak Carl Michael Easter
PA Duryea 1945 Malinak Carl Michael
PA Duryea 1945 Malinak Marie and Carl
PA Duryea 1945 Maxim John Military in Japan w Flag
PA Duryea 1945 Maxim John Military in Japan
PA Duryea 1945 Maziarz Bob and Dad at Clambake
PA Duryea 1945 McAndrew Bill US Navy at Shipyard in Seattle
PA Duryea 1945 McAndrew Bill US Navy
PA Duryea 1945 McAndrew William F US Navy
PA Duryea 1945 Mierzeski F German Fishing License
PA Duryea 1945 Milne Betty
PA Duryea 1945 Milne Marylee Private US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Miners Entombed in Cave In
PA Duryea 1945 Modeski Ratchford and Friends
PA Duryea 1945 Moran Joe Skidgy
PA Duryea 1945 Moran Thomas F Draft Classification
PA Duryea 1945 Moss Henry Don Vogel George Moss
PA Duryea 1945 Moss John and Madeline
PA Duryea 1945 Moss Sylvia Floyd John Henry
PA Duryea 1945 Mrs Kramer Private Kindergarten Graduation Brick Church
PA Duryea 1945 Murray Nellie & Eva Kristopovich
PA Duryea 1945 Murzenski Carol
PA Duryea 1945 Names on Honor Roll Partial List
PA Duryea 1945 Naylor Leonard POW at Corregidor
PA Duryea 1945 Nazarchuk Stan US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Nazarek Helen & Connie
PA Duryea 1945 Nazarek Joan with Mary Jane & Stanley Kunigiel
PA Duryea 1945 Neureuter Ed US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Nitowski Joe WW2 War Hero Article
PA Duryea 1945 Novatski Jeanette & Connie Nazarek with Friend
PA Duryea 1945 Nyzio Edna
PA Duryea 1945 Odell Barney US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Old Willie Gang
PA Duryea 1945 Orloski Joseph US Army Article
PA Duryea 1945 Ostrosky Plumbing Letterhead
PA Duryea 1945 Ostrowski Mary
PA Duryea 1945 Ostrowsky Mary and Marie Urban
PA Duryea 1945 Parade High School Band
PA Duryea 1945 Parade
PA Duryea 1945 Parzych Francine
PA Duryea 1945 Pawloski Felix Reflects About Stanley Kilyanek US Army p1
PA Duryea 1945 Pawloski Felix Reflects About Stanley Kilyanek US Army p2
PA Duryea 1945 Piekarski Rutkoski Deed Main St
PA Duryea 1945 Piorkowski Joe
PA Duryea 1945 Pisacane Lou Jean Yanik Barbara Pisacane
PA Duryea 1945 Pliska Frank and John
PA Duryea 1945 Pliska John Army Air Corps and Friend
PA Duryea 1945 Pliska John US Army Air Corps
PA Duryea 1945 Pliska John on Left Army Air Corps
PA Duryea 1945 Pochalonis Francis Eva and Peter
PA Duryea 1945 Pochalonis Frank US Army on R & Friend
PA Duryea 1945 Pochalonis Joseph and Eva US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Pochalonis Sisters Chittenden St Backyard
PA Duryea 1945 Pochalonis Zukauskas Wedding Party
PA Duryea 1945 Polak Stan & Walter Wnenta with Friends
PA Duryea 1945 Rapp Harold and Hannah Military
PA Duryea 1945 Rava Ed & Dot Moran Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1945 Rava Ed
PA Duryea 1945 Rava Eddie US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Reithoffer Julius F Julius M and Donald
PA Duryea 1945 Resavy Kids
PA Duryea 1945 Rincavage Walter Navy
PA Duryea 1945 Roberts Johnny & Mary Murawski Roberts
PA Duryea 1945 Roslewicz Theresa & Ray
PA Duryea 1945 Rutkowski Home 718 Main St
PA Duryea 1945 Sacred Heart Church from Foote Ave
PA Duryea 1945 Sailors and Jean Janoski
PA Duryea 1945 Salek Ed and Bernie at Wedding
PA Duryea 1945 Sealy Jane Peggy Charles
PA Duryea 1945 Sealy Ross Military Italy
PA Duryea 1945 Sealy Ross Military
PA Duryea 1945 Selk Isidor and Minnie
PA Duryea 1945 Semanski Bros Store Backyard
PA Duryea 1945 Sept 3 Parade
PA Duryea 1945 September 6 Parade Participants
PA Duryea 1945 September 6 Parade
PA Duryea 1945 Sigman Joan Charles and Friend
PA Duryea 1945 Skowronski Florence and Wedding Party
PA Duryea 1945 Skowronski Tom Wedding US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Skowronski Wedding Chicoski Malkowski Olshefski
PA Duryea 1945 Smitka Ace Policeman
PA Duryea 1945 Smitka Ray and Dog
PA Duryea 1945 Smitka Stanley Ace and Family
PA Duryea 1945 Solarchik Romayne HS Graduation
PA Duryea 1945 Spengler George & George & Kathy Collier
PA Duryea 1945 Spengler George
PA Duryea 1945 Srabmowski David
PA Duryea 1945 Stalky Ed Jr by Honor Roll
PA Duryea 1945 Steer Mickey Kindergarten Graduation
PA Duryea 1945 Szumski Patricia
PA Duryea 1945 Szymanski Theodora Frances Lubinski
PA Duryea 1945 Traigis Carol & Barbara and Mangler
PA Duryea 1945 Unknown Helen Maidment
PA Duryea 1945 Vanyo Gillow Four Generations
PA Duryea 1945 Vernakoski Sobieski Kunigiel
PA Duryea 1945 Victory Sentinel June
PA Duryea 1945 Vivalda Eugene First Aid Provider in Coal Mine
PA Duryea 1945 Walsh Jerome US Navy & Lou & Anna Wesenyak
PA Duryea 1945 Walsh Jerome US Navy
PA Duryea 1945 Watt St
PA Duryea 1945 Wendoloski Bernie Navy
PA Duryea 1945 Wendoloski Regina
PA Duryea 1945 Witkoski John Military
PA Duryea 1945 Wojsnarowicz Cy US Navy and Grandmother
PA Duryea 1945 Wojsnarowicz Harry the Barber and Cy
PA Duryea 1945 Wysocki Anthony & Jean and Ruth
PA Duryea 1945 Yablonski Alex at Clambake
PA Duryea 1945 Yankowski Marie Graduation
PA Duryea 1945 Yavereski Alfred First Communion
PA Duryea 1945 Yucas Mrs Edward Wedding Announcement
PA Duryea 1945 Yuhas Family at Christmas
PA Duryea 1945 Yuhas Margie Wedding with Family
PA Duryea 1945 Zajulka Tom Eugene Majewski Gerry Gibbons
PA Duryea 1945 Zaleski Sammy
PA Duryea 1945 Zavada Mike on L Kehoe Berge Mine
PA Duryea 1945 Zborovian Rich
PA Duryea 1945 Zike Alex US Army
PA Duryea 1945 Zike Connie and Anna Mae and Barbara Krzynowek
PA Duryea 1945 Zincavage Rosella & Romayne Solarchik Graduat
PA Duryea 1945 Zincavage Rosella & Romayne Solarchik Graduate
PA Duryea 1945 Zukauskas Father Al & mom Pauline
PA Duryea 1945 Zukauskas Lynne and Anthony Wedding Day
PA Duryea 1945 Zukauskas Pauline with Alice & Mrs Andrulitis
PA Duryea 1945 Zukauskas Pauline with Lynne and Anthony
PA Duryea 1946 47 8th Grade Homeroom and Names
PA Duryea 1946 47 Gillis Elaine Report Cards
PA Duryea 1946 47 Holy Rosary Class
PA Duryea 1946 47 Jr High Class with Names
PA Duryea 1946 47 Rogers Lana Nancy Kelly and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 47 Washington School 4th Grade
PA Duryea 1946 47 Washington School 4th Grade.jpg
PA Duryea 1946 47 Washington School 5th Grade Class
PA Duryea 1946 7th Grade Class
PA Duryea 1946 Alexander Bill Graduation
PA Duryea 1946 Andrews Francis Marie Haduck
PA Duryea 1946 Antal Archie Graduation
PA Duryea 1946 Arbacheski Catherine with Patti Walsh & Arlene Omelko
PA Duryea 1946 Arbacheski John and Grandaughter Walsh Patricia
PA Duryea 1946 Arbacheski Peter Ann Peter & Patti Walsh
PA Duryea 1946 Backyard 206 Cherry Street
PA Duryea 1946 Band Members by Washington School
PA Duryea 1946 Bartuska Mary 215 Swetland St
PA Duryea 1946 Bartuska Sonja Jack Bernice Ronald
PA Duryea 1946 Baseda Joan Marilyn Getchonis Bernie Nawrocki
PA Duryea 1946 Basketball Backboard Yuhas Hall Built by Steve Yuhas
PA Duryea 1946 Belko Michael & Leo Krzesinski
PA Duryea 1946 Benson Jack & Faith Jones Feeding Bears
PA Duryea 1946 Biga Phyllis and Kanyok Soltysiak Relatives
PA Duryea 1946 Billings Andre US Army
PA Duryea 1946 Bonner Jim and Mary
PA Duryea 1946 Borthwick Ned & Faith Jones
PA Duryea 1946 Bosko Louis and Mike Matso
PA Duryea 1946 Branas Ignatius & Victoria Swenton Anniversery
PA Duryea 1946 Breymeier Alma Graduation Day
PA Duryea 1946 Breymeier Lee Maude and Alma
PA Duryea 1946 Breymeier Leroy Jr
PA Duryea 1946 Brick Church on Foote Avenue
PA Duryea 1946 Budzilek Louis Onions
PA Duryea 1946 Burke Dick the Mailman
PA Duryea 1946 Byank Joe & Leona & Wedding Party
PA Duryea 1946 Byank Joe & Leona Wedding Day
PA Duryea 1946 Byank Leona Wedding Day
PA Duryea 1946 Capizzi Catherine with Grace & Carol
PA Duryea 1946 Carey Ruth and Lucille Chimel
PA Duryea 1946 Cheerleaders by Washington School
PA Duryea 1946 Cheerleaders with Charlie Masters
PA Duryea 1946 Chodnicki Sabina & Francis with Stella Bank
PA Duryea 1946 Class Reunion 50th Program 1996 Pg 1
PA Duryea 1946 Class Reunion 50th Program 1996 Pg 2
PA Duryea 1946 Clem's 5th Annual Clam Bake
PA Duryea 1946 Clements Marie
PA Duryea 1946 Clems Clambake
PA Duryea 1946 Collier Bill US Navy with George & Kathy
PA Duryea 1946 Coolbaugh Carol and Bernie Hazenski
PA Duryea 1946 DeBiasi Dena & New Baby Jenny
PA Duryea 1946 DeBiasi Dena US WAC
PA Duryea 1946 Degillio Albert & Gerald Steer
PA Duryea 1946 Degillio Albert
PA Duryea 1946 Devine Jack US Army
PA Duryea 1946 Dougherty James E Doc and Julia
PA Duryea 1946 Doxbeck Theresa Joseph Marx
PA Duryea 1946 Duffy Norman and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Dushok Joe Football
PA Duryea 1946 Echalk Ed and Fudala Brothers
PA Duryea 1946 Echan Helen Beauty School Graduation
PA Duryea 1946 Echan Helen Beauty Shop License
PA Duryea 1946 Echan Steve Sr by Chicken Coop
PA Duryea 1946 Echan Steve and Helen
PA Duryea 1946 Entz Art on Horse with Mom and Dad
PA Duryea 1946 Entz Family Fulton St
PA Duryea 1946 Ermel Bernard and John Kennedy
PA Duryea 1946 Ermel Bob Main St Yuhas Sea Food
PA Duryea 1946 Evancho Louise and Friend
PA Duryea 1946 Fehrpataki Mary and Aileen Fudala
PA Duryea 1946 Football Game Players and Cheerleaders
PA Duryea 1946 Football Team with Names
PA Duryea 1946 Forrestal James Thanks Joe Yuhas
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Aileen Outside
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Aileen
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Darleen & Friend
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Drugstore Storefront
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Karl
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Klem Ed Itzak and Karl Fudala
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Klem and Truck
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Klem
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Pete at Farm in Falls
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala Sisters
PA Duryea 1946 Fudala's Drug Store with Soldiers Pictures in Window
PA Duryea 1946 Galuska John & Barlik Helen & John
PA Duryea 1946 Getchonis Bob and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Gillespie Jack Josie Family and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Gillis Al Deer Head Lodge
PA Duryea 1946 Gillis Al and Friend Fishing
PA Duryea 1946 Gillow Piorkowski Janoski
PA Duryea 1946 Girl at Evancho House
PA Duryea 1946 Girls at Hallstead Dump Koytek Bavitz Zike Strupcheski Hynoski
PA Duryea 1946 Golden Wendoloski Wedding Announcement
PA Duryea 1946 Golden Wendoloski Wedding Lucille Kanyok
PA Duryea 1946 Gorricks Store New Street
PA Duryea 1946 Graboski Doris June and Friend
PA Duryea 1946 Graboski Stanley & Peter Matiko
PA Duryea 1946 Grabowski Carol Birthday
PA Duryea 1946 Grabowski Carol First Communion
PA Duryea 1946 Graduation Class 50th Reunion w Names
PA Duryea 1946 Graduation Class Names
PA Duryea 1946 Graduation Class with Names
PA Duryea 1946 Grobosky Michael and Sons
PA Duryea 1946 Grobosky Stanley Tina and Agnes
PA Duryea 1946 Gromelski Grandpa with Sam and Pat Scamacca
PA Duryea 1946 Grudzinski Gerald Getchonis Joe Stanley Madrak
PA Duryea 1946 Guditus Richie Lackawanna Ave
PA Duryea 1946 Guitson Larry
PA Duryea 1946 Haduck Marie Tom Honeymoon NYC
PA Duryea 1946 Haduck Marie
PA Duryea 1946 Haduck Tom Marie Andrews Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Haduck Tom and Marie NYC
PA Duryea 1946 Haduck Tom and Marie and Family
PA Duryea 1946 Haduck Tom
PA Duryea 1946 Hantz Joan in Band Uniform
PA Duryea 1946 Hantz Rose Leonard Pliska Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Bob & Shirley Joe Kresheski
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Bob Marine Corps Discharge Papers 1
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Bob Marine Corps Discharge Papers 2
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Bob in Newton
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Shirley Bob & Dog
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Shirley Dorothy Darlene Ricky
PA Duryea 1946 Herron Shirley Frances Dorothy
PA Duryea 1946 High School Class 50th Reunion w Names
PA Duryea 1946 High School Class 50th Reunion
PA Duryea 1946 Hokien Hank Baseball Player
PA Duryea 1946 Holy Rosary School
PA Duryea 1946 Horvat Arthur Dr Business Card
PA Duryea 1946 Horvat Henry Appointed Dean
PA Duryea 1946 Janoski Family Pettebone St
PA Duryea 1946 Janoski Jean and Jerri
PA Duryea 1946 Jones Del & Barbara with Faith
PA Duryea 1946 Joseph Frank Wudarski Sr 1st Communion
PA Duryea 1946 Kaczmerczk Lorraine & Eleanor Matiko Martinelli
PA Duryea 1946 Kashuda Florence Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Kehoe Dump from St Marys Cemetery
PA Duryea 1946 Kelly Naomi in Snowstorm
PA Duryea 1946 Kelly Robert with Wheelbarrow
PA Duryea 1946 Kishel Sowa and Olanowicz at Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Adam and Family
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Adam and Sons Easter
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Bernard & Ronald
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Bernard Richard & Ron
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Bernie Ronnie and Richie
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Richard 10 Months Old
PA Duryea 1946 Klink Ronald & Bernard
PA Duryea 1946 Kopcho Paul & Pals in HS Window Rm 5
PA Duryea 1946 Korea Piorkowski Gillow
PA Duryea 1946 Kramer Miss Helen Kindergarten Class
PA Duryea 1946 Krappa Irene and Theresa Bolock
PA Duryea 1946 Kreski Florence Joan Hantz 1st Dam
PA Duryea 1946 Krimowski Joe Mr Wywiorski and Guys
PA Duryea 1946 Kristopovich Geraldine & Classmates
PA Duryea 1946 Kristunis Lucille and Mercedes Chromey
PA Duryea 1946 Kulas Gus Verna Rosalie & Mary Ann
PA Duryea 1946 Lankowska Kazimiera First Communion Certificate
PA Duryea 1946 Lankowski Charlotte First Communion
PA Duryea 1946 Lankowski Charlotte at Piano
PA Duryea 1946 Lipit Charles and Joe Skrowonski
PA Duryea 1946 Lipski Stasia Baseball Player
PA Duryea 1946 Lipski Stasia and Joanie Hantz
PA Duryea 1946 Lugg Dick and Friends at High School
PA Duryea 1946 Lukowicz Owners of Sweet Shop Mary and Edward
PA Duryea 1946 Lukowicz Sweete Shoppe 1
PA Duryea 1946 Lukowicz Sweete Shoppe 2
PA Duryea 1946 Madrak Helen and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Main St with Bob Ermel and Ruthie
PA Duryea 1946 Marcy St View Eva Malinak
PA Duryea 1946 Matrone Zajulka Majewski & Prince
PA Duryea 1946 Matso Michael
PA Duryea 1946 Mattei Betty and Bob Marcy Cemetery
PA Duryea 1946 McTigue Robert
PA Duryea 1946 Mierzejeski Frank Draft Board
PA Duryea 1946 Miller Joseph
PA Duryea 1946 Miners Savings Bank Main St
PA Duryea 1946 Monahan Margaret (Kubick) & Sharon Monahan
PA Duryea 1946 Murhan Frank Paul Immigration Manifest
PA Duryea 1946 Murphy Bill and Joe
PA Duryea 1946 Murphy Joseph Ann St
PA Duryea 1946 Murphy Wanda & Joe Ann St
PA Duryea 1946 Mustinski Charles and Family
PA Duryea 1946 Nazarchuk Stanley J Immunization Record
PA Duryea 1946 Nazarchuk Stanley J Military Identification Card
PA Duryea 1946 New St Number 446 Kelly House
PA Duryea 1946 New St Number 446 Kelly Tom by His House
PA Duryea 1946 Niebrzydowski Rev P Testimonial Pg 1
PA Duryea 1946 Niebrzydowski Rev P Testimonial Pg 2
PA Duryea 1946 Niebrzydowski Rev P Testimonial Pg 3
PA Duryea 1946 Niewiadomski Lillian and Girl Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Nowakowski Nellie & Tony Nowakowski & Sophie Swenton
PA Duryea 1946 Ostrowski Eleanor Peggy Maidment Genevieve Chromey
PA Duryea 1946 Panetski Helen
PA Duryea 1946 Parzek Home 235 & 235 & One Half Main St
PA Duryea 1946 Perczak Stanley US Army
PA Duryea 1946 Pesontine Albert Helen Carole
PA Duryea 1946 Petro Joe on Horse
PA Duryea 1946 Piorkowitz Kabachinsky Bavitz
PA Duryea 1946 Piorkowski Gerri and Jean Janoski
PA Duryea 1946 Pliska John and Mom
PA Duryea 1946 Pliska John with Dad and Uncle Ted
PA Duryea 1946 Pliska John
PA Duryea 1946 Pliska Leonard and Rose Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Charles & Mabel Wedding Party
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Charles & Mabel Wedding Reception Holy Rosary
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Charles & Mabel Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Charlie Flanked by Roslewicz Ray & Adam
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Frank Family
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Wedding Kanyok Lucy & Barlik Johnny
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Wedding Reception Holy Rosary
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Wedding at Holy Rosary
PA Duryea 1946 Poremba Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Railroaders
PA Duryea 1946 Reed Wendoloski Wedding Announcement
PA Duryea 1946 Repasky Jean Main St Yuhas Sea Food
PA Duryea 1946 Resavy Maryann And Marge Yuhas
PA Duryea 1946 Resavy Maryann Irma Baker Dolly Kovalchik
PA Duryea 1946 Rice Tom Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Roberts Johnny Gamma Club
PA Duryea 1946 Roberts Johnny w Baseball Glove
PA Duryea 1946 Rocky Glen Outing w Names
PA Duryea 1946 Rogers Genevieve at Kelly House
PA Duryea 1946 Romanoski Ed and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Roslewicz Theresa Helen Wasielewski Dorothy Bernice
PA Duryea 1946 Sabuto Edward and Lucille Xmas Card
PA Duryea 1946 Sabuto Lucille Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Sadowski Doris Delores Romayne Dad & Betty Marion & Susan Herman Easter Sunday
PA Duryea 1946 Salek John Frances and Dorothy
PA Duryea 1946 Salek John Mary Dorothy Frank Koytek
PA Duryea 1946 Salek Mary and John Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Salitis Anna and Fran
PA Duryea 1946 Salitis Mary Lou 12th Birthday Party Guests
PA Duryea 1946 Salitis Mary Lou 12th Birthday Party
PA Duryea 1946 Salitis Mary Lou with Family
PA Duryea 1946 Salitis Ted Family
PA Duryea 1946 Santich Kehoe Berge Coal Bill
PA Duryea 1946 Sigman Bernard and Ermel Jr
PA Duryea 1946 Smitka Carol and Anna
PA Duryea 1946 Smitka Ray on Bike
PA Duryea 1946 Snopkowski Szmanski Barlik and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 St Josephs Baseball Joe Stiroh
PA Duryea 1946 Stascavage Paul & Celia with Joseph Frank Wudarski
PA Duryea 1946 Stascavage Paul & Joseph Wudarski Sr
PA Duryea 1946 Swantkowski Mary and Aileen Fudala
PA Duryea 1946 Swantkowski Mary
PA Duryea 1946 Swantkowski Sophie Zyzneski & Stephen & Michael
PA Duryea 1946 Swierczynski Lorraine Prom Dress
PA Duryea 1946 Tinklepaugh Herm and Friends
PA Duryea 1946 Truman Harry Thanks Joe Yuhas
PA Duryea 1946 Turlington Caswell & Althea Semancik aka Winnie the Wac Wedding
PA Duryea 1946 Vanyo Marion Meyer St
PA Duryea 1946 Virbal Eleanor Sally Grudzinski
PA Duryea 1946 Viscavage Yonki First Communion
PA Duryea 1946 Vivalda Joanne
PA Duryea 1946 Washington School and Cheerleaders
PA Duryea 1946 Wendoloski Alma Chester & Carol
PA Duryea 1946 Wendoloski Bernard US Navy
PA Duryea 1946 Wendoloski Bernie US Navy
PA Duryea 1946 Wendoloski Chester & Rose
PA Duryea 1946 Wendoloski Ignatius Family
PA Duryea 1946 Wendoloski Lenny Mary Bernie Betty
PA Duryea 1946 Wesenyak Louis Sr & Jr
PA Duryea 1946 Williams Tommy with Carmen & Dena
PA Duryea 1946 Wnenta Dolores
PA Duryea 1946 Wysocki Cede Maryann Kulinski and Joe
PA Duryea 1946 Wzontek Leo Coach Kelly Babe Ryzner Football
PA Duryea 1946 Yablonski Joe & Antonette Wysocki
PA Duryea 1946 Yuhas Johnny Yuker
PA Duryea 1946 Yuhas Steve Band Member
PA Duryea 1946 Yuhas Steve with Trumpet
PA Duryea 1946 Yurkanian Marie and Richard Neuman
PA Duryea 1946 Zajulka Tom on Pony
PA Duryea 1946 Zborovian Rich Fisherman
PA Duryea 1946 Zborovian Rich
PA Duryea 1946 Zike Dolores Dick Lugg and Friend
PA Duryea 1946 Zukauskas Lynne
PA Duryea 1946 Zukosky Bob 150 Swetland Street
PA Duryea 1946 Zyzneski Fritz US Air Force Book
PA Duryea 1946 Zyzneski John Stanley Jr & Frank
PA Duryea 1946-47 Barons w Names
PA Duryea 1946-47 Kurtenich Maidment Clarke Band Members
PA Duryea 1947 11th Grade Home Room w Names
PA Duryea 1947 1st Grade Class Miss Heath Teacher Washington School
PA Duryea 1947 48 Hokien Hank Batting at Sunday Baseball Game
PA Duryea 1947 48 Hokien Hank Holy Rosary Pitcher
PA Duryea 1947 48 Junior Sr Band
PA Duryea 1947 5th Gr Class Washington School Miss Anna McHale w Names
PA Duryea 1947 9th Grade Homeroom
PA Duryea 1947 Albie Football
PA Duryea 1947 Arbacheski Peter & Peter Michael & Arlene Omelko
PA Duryea 1947 Aruscavage Cafe Dickson St
PA Duryea 1947 Baker Bill
PA Duryea 1947 Baker Irma on Rt with Anna Yuhas
PA Duryea 1947 Ball Gil with Faith Jones
PA Duryea 1947 Band and Joe Ignatovich
PA Duryea 1947 Barbush Herb
PA Duryea 1947 Barlik Leonard Sr Trip Glenwood
PA Duryea 1947 Bartuska Audrey & Cynthia Moluski May Crowning
PA Duryea 1947 Baseball Team w Names Newspaper Article
PA Duryea 1947 Bass Drum Belongs to Joe Ignatovich
PA Duryea 1947 Bavitz Joe and Darleen Fudala Band
PA Duryea 1947 Bellis Cosgrove Granahan Cheerleaders
PA Duryea 1947 Billick M by High School
PA Duryea 1947 Birthday Party Nancy Kelly and Friends
PA Duryea 1947 Bleya Frank
PA Duryea 1947 Brecelnik Mihok Haduck
PA Duryea 1947 Breymeier Robert Sr Steam Shovel Operator
PA Duryea 1947 Breymeier Robert Sr
PA Duryea 1947 Buttermilk Falls Unknown Fudala Darlene Aileen
PA Duryea 1947 Byank Joe and Leona Satkowski
PA Duryea 1947 Capizzi Bernice and Lois Winn
PA Duryea 1947 Capizzi Bernice
PA Duryea 1947 Capizzi Marge and Ida Olczak
PA Duryea 1947 Carey Al Fritz Kremitske and Friends Picnic
PA Duryea 1947 Carey Al at Clambake
PA Duryea 1947 Cheerleaders Band Members
PA Duryea 1947 Chromey Anna & Granddaughter Carol
PA Duryea 1947 Cislo Strupcheski Matt Clark
PA Duryea 1947 Clarke Ruth
PA Duryea 1947 Class Individual Snapshots
PA Duryea 1947 Class Reunion 10th
PA Duryea 1947 Class Reunion 20th
PA Duryea 1947 Class Reunion 50th with Names
PA Duryea 1947 Class Reunion Program Pg 1
PA Duryea 1947 Class Reunion Program Pg 2
PA Duryea 1947 Class Reunion with Names
PA Duryea 1947 Class at 25th Reunion 1972
PA Duryea 1947 Clem's 6th Annual Clambake
PA Duryea 1947 Coach Tom Kelly
PA Duryea 1947 Coal Bowl Players Names
PA Duryea 1947 Coal Bowl Program Bone Stadium
PA Duryea 1947 Collier George and Cathy
PA Duryea 1947 Coolbaugh Annie & Ray Holding Raymie
PA Duryea 1947 Cremard Grandfather and Sons on Catalogue
PA Duryea 1947 DHS Football Team
PA Duryea 1947 David Joe Sophie and Linda
PA Duryea 1947 Deer Head Lodge Hunters
PA Duryea 1947 Donnelly St 636 Smitka Family
PA Duryea 1947 Duffy Chodnicki Bavitz Kabachinsky
PA Duryea 1947 Duryea Band
PA Duryea 1947 Duryea Hunting & Fishing Club Cabin
PA Duryea 1947 Duryea Hunting Club Members
PA Duryea 1947 Duryea Wildcats Football Team w Names
PA Duryea 1947 Dushok Tom and Charles Dominick
PA Duryea 1947 Echalk Ed with Cow at Fudalas Farm
PA Duryea 1947 Echan Helen and Friends on Picnic
PA Duryea 1947 Echan Helen at Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1947 Eddie's Bar New Years Eve Stephenson St
PA Duryea 1947 Eskra Pete Golfing Senior Trip
PA Duryea 1947 Falling Springs Poremba Charlie & Galuska Stan
PA Duryea 1947 Falling Springs Roslewicz Ray & Galuska Stan
PA Duryea 1947 Falzone Teresa
PA Duryea 1947 Football Camp Group
PA Duryea 1947 Football Chromey Gene & Clem Russavage
PA Duryea 1947 Football Dominick Wieczorek Ruda
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea 12 Edwardsville 0
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Beats Jenkins
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Conquers Dupont
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Defeats St Johns
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Jolts Exeter
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Loses to West Wyoming
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Nips Avoca
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Takes Pittston
PA Duryea 1947 Football Duryea Tramples Taylor
PA Duryea 1947 Football Gross Howard
PA Duryea 1947 Football Murphy Doxpeck Roginsky
PA Duryea 1947 Football Nitowski Al & Stanley Yescinski
PA Duryea 1947 Football Pre Game Warmup
PA Duryea 1947 Football Rava Paul Bernard Nitowski
PA Duryea 1947 Football Ryzner Ray & Joe Smacky Cimakosky
PA Duryea 1947 Football Sports Banquet Program Part 1
PA Duryea 1947 Football Sports Banquet Program Part 2
PA Duryea 1947 Football Stankowski Tom & Jim Gillis
PA Duryea 1947 Football Team with Names Newspaper Clipping
PA Duryea 1947 Football Team with Names
PA Duryea 1947 Football Team
PA Duryea 1947 Fudala Ada Peter Annie's Parents Karl Fudala First Wife
PA Duryea 1947 Fudala Darleen Band Member
PA Duryea 1947 Fudala Darleen and Oscar
PA Duryea 1947 Fudala Honora Chuckie Perozich
PA Duryea 1947 Fudala Sisters Honora Darleen Aileen
PA Duryea 1947 Fudalas with Peter the Bull
PA Duryea 1947 Gike Steve Tom Grogan
PA Duryea 1947 Gillespie Jack Jr at Parents Home
PA Duryea 1947 Gillis Al Deer Head Lodge Hunters
PA Duryea 1947 Gillispie Gene and Al Krzesinski
PA Duryea 1947 Gillow Charlie and Gerri and Jean Janoski
PA Duryea 1947 Gillow Charlie
PA Duryea 1947 Gillow Oddo and Dad
PA Duryea 1947 Gilroy Jean
PA Duryea 1947 Girls Across from High School
PA Duryea 1947 Girls by High School
PA Duryea 1947 Golden John Near Naylors Garage
PA Duryea 1947 Goleneski Kmack Moluski Akulonis
PA Duryea 1947 Golenski Mildred and Ron with Worker
PA Duryea 1947 Golenski Mildred at Wedding
PA Duryea 1947 Golenski Ron and Bernice Capizzi
PA Duryea 1947 Grabowski Carol and Friend
PA Duryea 1947 Grade 6 Washington School Teacher Miss Gilhooley
PA Duryea 1947 Grade 6 Washington School Teacher Miss Heath
PA Duryea 1947 Grade 6 Washington School Teacher Mrs Dobrowalski
PA Duryea 1947 Graduation Party Grabowski Backyard
PA Duryea 1947 Graduation Program
PA Duryea 1947 Graduation Seniors Snapshots
PA Duryea 1947 Graduation Snapshots Names
PA Duryea 1947 Granahan JETG Drum Major
PA Duryea 1947 Grudzinski Peter and Sally Atlantic City
PA Duryea 1947 Gutkowski Store 103 Chittenden St
PA Duryea 1947 Haduck Mike and Steve Mihok
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Jean Graduation
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Joan at 2nd Dam
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Joan by Falling Springs
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Joan in Snow 220 Swetland St
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Joan on Coxton Road
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Shirley Graduation
PA Duryea 1947 Hantz Shirley
PA Duryea 1947 Herron Daniel
PA Duryea 1947 High School Band with Names
PA Duryea 1947 High School Baseball Team w Names
PA Duryea 1947 Hojnoski Anna & Roslewicz Ray & Theresa
PA Duryea 1947 Holy Rosary School 2nd Grade Class
PA Duryea 1947 Homeroom 7th Grade Class
PA Duryea 1947 Homeroom 9th Grade
PA Duryea 1947 Ignatovich Joe with Bass Drum and Band Members
PA Duryea 1947 Jones Faith by Porch
PA Duryea 1947 Joyce Marie
PA Duryea 1947 Kabacinski Mary Rose
PA Duryea 1947 Kacsmar John 206 Cherry St
PA Duryea 1947 Kalafut Claire
PA Duryea 1947 Kelly Naomi and William OBoyle
PA Duryea 1947 Kelly Tom Driving Sports Car
PA Duryea 1947 Kilyanek Adam
PA Duryea 1947 Klink Richard Ron & Bernard with Santa
PA Duryea 1947 Knopp Charles by High School
PA Duryea 1947 Knopp Jack First Communion and Family
PA Duryea 1947 Knopp Jack with Mom and Dad
PA Duryea 1947 Knopp Miller Families
PA Duryea 1947 Knopp Toots Mary Ann and Paul
PA Duryea 1947 Knopp Toots and Family
PA Duryea 1947 Koch Eleanor
PA Duryea 1947 Koes Judy Janice Richard and Tom
PA Duryea 1947 Kondratewicz Terry by Pete Fudalas Store
PA Duryea 1947 Kondratewicz and Cosgrove
PA Duryea 1947 Krafjack Shirley at Football Game
PA Duryea 1947 Krappa Liz and Joan Hantz
PA Duryea 1947 Krappa Liz
PA Duryea 1947 Krzynowek Jerry
PA Duryea 1947 Kulinski Coal Co Workers Records
PA Duryea 1947 Kupcho Mike Saloon
PA Duryea 1947 Kupcho Theresa & Fortunato Fred
PA Duryea 1947 Kurtenich Pauline
PA Duryea 1947 Kutsko Nazarek Echan and Friends
PA Duryea 1947 Lazevenick Bob and Chester Tykarski
PA Duryea 1947 Lech Henry & Friends on Picnic
PA Duryea 1947 Lechs Store
PA Duryea 1947 Lefty Dot Ed Walter & Friends
PA Duryea 1947 Lizonitz Florence Dunay Joe Pernot Ruth
PA Duryea 1947 Logue Jimmy Bill Zara Lake Winola Picnic
PA Duryea 1947 Lovenduski Ed Football Camp
PA Duryea 1947 Madrak David Joe with Sophie and Linda
PA Duryea 1947 Majewski Salidis Winn Salidis
PA Duryea 1947 Malinak Eva USO Award
PA Duryea 1947 Malkowski Frank Eleanor and Margie
PA Duryea 1947 Malkowski Rita Frank Margie 239 Swetland
PA Duryea 1947 Martinelli Yolanda
PA Duryea 1947 May Crowning St Joseph Church
PA Duryea 1947 Maziarz Mrs William Hanging Clothes Outside
PA Duryea 1947 Maziarz Truck and Garage Elm St
PA Duryea 1947 McGlynn Thomas and Jack Echalk
PA Duryea 1947 Mierzejeski Frank Hospital Notice
PA Duryea 1947 Mierzeski Frank Military Orders
PA Duryea 1947 Miners Killed by Rock Slide
PA Duryea 1947 Moluski Getchonis Salidis May Crowning
PA Duryea 1947 Moluski Jean Senior Trip
PA Duryea 1947 Moluski Jean and Irene Nowakowski
PA Duryea 1947 Moluski Jean and Friends Class Trip
PA Duryea 1947 Monahan Sharon Age 4
PA Duryea 1947 Morris J and P Eskra
PA Duryea 1947 Murphy Joe & Pat Ann St
PA Duryea 1947 Mustinski Mary & Romaine Standorowski
PA Duryea 1947 Nawrocki Bernard and Patsy at Easter
PA Duryea 1947 Nawrocki Family Easter Sunday
PA Duryea 1947 Naylors Garage N Main St
PA Duryea 1947 Nazarchuk Andrew Valeria Tessie & Nellie
PA Duryea 1947 Nazarchuk Jenny Sta Valeria & Olga
PA Duryea 1947 Nazarchuk Lefty and Dot Moran
PA Duryea 1947 Nazarek Olga at Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1947 Nealis Mae Chaperone Class Trip
PA Duryea 1947 Nicheporchek Walter Jr John Salek
PA Duryea 1947 Niewiadomski Helen
PA Duryea 1947 Niewiadomski Josie
PA Duryea 1947 Niewiadomski Lillian Graduation
PA Duryea 1947 Niewiadomski Lillian Poconos
PA Duryea 1947 Nitowski Ben Football
PA Duryea 1947 Nitowski Ben
PA Duryea 1947 Nolan Helen Nancy Revie Clare Marley
PA Duryea 1947 Novak and Gillis Football
PA Duryea 1947 Nowakowski Irene Class Trip Poconos
PA Duryea 1947 OBoyle William
PA Duryea 1947 Olczak Ida and Kitchen Workers
PA Duryea 1947 Onyx Tavern Clambake
PA Duryea 1947 Ostrowski Elinor Report Card
PA Duryea 1947 Padooki and Nitowski Football 1
PA Duryea 1947 Padooki and Nitowski Football 2
PA Duryea 1947 Pakutka H
PA Duryea 1947 Pernot Charles Squire
PA Duryea 1947 Pershing and Washington Schools
PA Duryea 1947 Petrisin Eleanor & Eleanor Koch
PA Duryea 1947 Pliska Bob
PA Duryea 1947 Pliska John Christmas by Train
PA Duryea 1947 Pliska John and Dad
PA Duryea 1947 Pliska John by Bike
PA Duryea 1947 Pliska John by Vintage Car
PA Duryea 1947 Popoloski Zara Logue and More Picnicing
PA Duryea 1947 Poremba Charlie at Falling Springs
PA Duryea 1947 Poskonski Rita Graduation with Parents
PA Duryea 1947 Poskonski Rita and Friends on Picnic
PA Duryea 1947 Poskonski Rita
PA Duryea 1947 Pregmon Marie & Students
PA Duryea 1947 Pregmon Marie
PA Duryea 1947 Przybylka T Class Trip Poconos
PA Duryea 1947 Rakowski Henrietta
PA Duryea 1947 Rapp Harold
PA Duryea 1947 Rava Ed & Lefty Nazarek at Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1947 Rava Ed Ed Yucas and Rita
PA Duryea 1947 Rava Ed Olga Nazarek Yeo Kutsko
PA Duryea 1947 Rava Ed and Friends on Picnic
PA Duryea 1947 Repasky Jackie at Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1947 Resavy S N Anderson L Cavall
PA Duryea 1947 Roslewicz Adam Sr May 30th
PA Duryea 1947 Roslewicz Helen & Poremba Mabel & Friend May 30th
PA Duryea 1947 Roslewicz Ray & Galuska Stan Falling Springs
PA Duryea 1947 Roslewicz Theresa High School Grad Party
PA Duryea 1947 Rutkowski Nancy May Crowning
PA Duryea 1947 Sadowski Stanley
PA Duryea 1947 Salek Bonnie and Dad
PA Duryea 1947 Salek Bonnie and Grandma
PA Duryea 1947 Salek Frances and John with Bonnie
PA Duryea 1947 Salek John and Bonnie
PA Duryea 1947 Salek Mary and Bonnie
PA Duryea 1947 Salidis Cottie and Harry Winn
PA Duryea 1947 Salidis Ruth by Bridge
PA Duryea 1947 Salitis Mary Lou May Crowning
PA Duryea 1947 Satkowski Leona
PA Duryea 1947 Schaeffer Merle and John McArdle
PA Duryea 1947 Schumann Hilda Kelly 533 Green St
PA Duryea 1947 Semanski Marion Jeanette Ludwig
PA Duryea 1947 Senior Girls at Glenwood Poconos
PA Duryea 1947 Seniors Frolicking in Poconos
PA Duryea 1947 Sept 7 Columbia New Green & Cherry St Women
PA Duryea 1947 Shebby Anthony & Eleanor Vshneski Wedding Party
PA Duryea 1947 Shemanski Celia
PA Duryea 1947 Sigman Joan & Anna Rita Ochall May Crowning
PA Duryea 1947 Simpsons Patch Coolbaugh Billy Paulie John Ray Bill Joe Nellie
PA Duryea 1947 Smitka Carol
PA Duryea 1947 Smitka Ray and Arlene Kashuda
PA Duryea 1947 Smitka Ray at Easter
PA Duryea 1947 Sophomore Class w Names
PA Duryea 1947 Sowa Murphy Traigis Football
PA Duryea 1947 St Joseph's First Communion
PA Duryea 1947 St Josephs Church
PA Duryea 1947 Standorowski Mustinski Families
PA Duryea 1947 Standorowski Stephen & Laura
PA Duryea 1947 Stascavage Paul & Celia at Station
PA Duryea 1947 Stascavage Wudarski Families
PA Duryea 1947 Swantkowski Stephen
PA Duryea 1947 Swetland St 219 Marcelonis House
PA Duryea 1947 Swierczynski Lorraine 2nd Dam
PA Duryea 1947 Swierczynski Lorraine Graduation
PA Duryea 1947 Swierczynski Lorraine HS Steps
PA Duryea 1947 Szydlik Paul and Bob Yesnowski
PA Duryea 1947 Szymanski Theodora Original Store Owner
PA Duryea 1947 Tenth Grade Grils w Names 1
PA Duryea 1947 Tenth Grade Grils w Names 2
PA Duryea 1947 Vignali Janice with Katherine & Kathy Collier
PA Duryea 1947 Vihroski Mrs and Mary Scoda
PA Duryea 1947 Vintage Car and Audrey Bartuska
PA Duryea 1947 Washington School 7th Grade
PA Duryea 1947 Winn Lois and Bernice Capizzi
PA Duryea 1947 Winn Lois in Wedding
PA Duryea 1947 Witkoski Martina May Crowning
PA Duryea 1947 Wnenta Ted US Navy
PA Duryea 1947 Wywiorski Joan
PA Duryea 1947 Yaverski Frank and Gerald Coolbaugh
PA Duryea 1947 Yocum Malinak Baptism
PA Duryea 1947 Yucas Echan Rava & Friends Hiking
PA Duryea 1947 Yucas Ed Helen Echan & Ed Rava
PA Duryea 1947 Yucas Rava and Friends Hiking
PA Duryea 1947 Yuhas Paul on Stephenson St
PA Duryea 1947 Zajulka Tom on Pony
PA Duryea 1947 Zaladonis Casimir
PA Duryea 1947 Zarnock Marley Revie and Friends
PA Duryea 1947 Zborovian Rich with Dad & Friends
PA Duryea 1947 Zbrovian Dick and Lou Kupcho
PA Duryea 1947 Zincavage Joe Harmonas Margie
PA Duryea 1948 1949 Jr Sr Band w Names
PA Duryea 1948 49 50 High School Cheerleaders
PA Duryea 1948 49 Moran Thomas Report Card
PA Duryea 1948 50th Reunion 1998
PA Duryea 1948 Arbacheski Cash Register and Store Shelves
PA Duryea 1948 Arbacheski John at Arbacheski Store
PA Duryea 1948 Arbacheski Lenny Trumpet Player
PA Duryea 1948 Bachkovsky Kahanec Family New Street
PA Duryea 1948 Balchune Bernard Band
PA Duryea 1948 Band Beginners
PA Duryea 1948 Band Concert Pg 1
PA Duryea 1948 Band Concert Pg 2
PA Duryea 1948 Band Concert Pg 3
PA Duryea 1948 Band Drum Set
PA Duryea 1948 Band Majorettes Night Football Game
PA Duryea 1948 Band Snapshots 1
PA Duryea 1948 Band Snapshots 2
PA Duryea 1948 Band at School
PA Duryea 1948 Barlick Betty in Graduation Gown
PA Duryea 1948 Baronosky Barber Shop with Jumbo and Laiby
PA Duryea 1948 Barons Basketball Team w Names
PA Duryea 1948 Bartuska Audrey Outside
PA Duryea 1948 Bartuska Audrey and Friend
PA Duryea 1948 Bartuska Audrey and Friends
PA Duryea 1948 Bartuska Audrey
PA Duryea 1948 Bartuska David
PA Duryea 1948 Baseball Field
PA Duryea 1948 Beginners Band Names P1
PA Duryea 1948 Beginners Band Names P2
PA Duryea 1948 Beginners Band
PA Duryea 1948 Belaski Maryann Patsy & Chester Cook Chester
PA Duryea 1948 Billick Eugene Band
PA Duryea 1948 Blackhawks Baseball Team with Names
PA Duryea 1948 Borthwick Ned & Faith Jones in Snow
PA Duryea 1948 Borzik Rita & Eugene Chromey Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Boy at Football Game
PA Duryea 1948 Brady Billy TJ & Jackie at Sandy Beach
PA Duryea 1948 Breymeier Bob at Constitution Ave
PA Duryea 1948 Breymeier Bob
PA Duryea 1948 Breymeier Peggy and Bob
PA Duryea 1948 Brytus Marcella & John Curly Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Cadden Pete Football
PA Duryea 1948 Carey Robert A & Elliott A Carey Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Celusniak and Yanik Families
PA Duryea 1948 Cheerleaders Doing Halftime Skit
PA Duryea 1948 Cheerleaders w Names
PA Duryea 1948 Cheerleaders with Names
PA Duryea 1948 Chodnicki Ray Band
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Anna Dzbor & Joe Jr
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Bertha & Eugene
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Borzik Dzurisn Families
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Eugene Graduation with Mom & Dad
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Eugene Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Genevieve & Rita Gydish Band
PA Duryea 1948 Chromey Joan Majorette
PA Duryea 1948 Cimakosky Joe Smacky
PA Duryea 1948 Clambake
PA Duryea 1948 Clarke Ruth and Band
PA Duryea 1948 Clarke Ruth
PA Duryea 1948 Class 10th Reunion Committee Members
PA Duryea 1948 Class 10th Reunion at YMSR
PA Duryea 1948 Class 50th Reunion
PA Duryea 1948 Class Autographs in Elinor Ostrowski Book
PA Duryea 1948 Class Danks Doris in Graduation Gown
PA Duryea 1948 Class Ostrowski Irene & Barlick Betty
PA Duryea 1948 Class Reunion 25th p1
PA Duryea 1948 Class Reunion 25th p2
PA Duryea 1948 Class Reunion Joan Hynoski Stasia Yedesko
PA Duryea 1948 Class Reunion
PA Duryea 1948 Class of 9th Graders
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's 7th Annual Clambake 1
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's 7th Annual Clambake 2
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's 7th Annual Clambake 3
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's Bar with Frank Resavy
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's Eagles June
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's Eagles Yankee Stadium Trip 1
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's Eagles Yankee Stadium Trip 2
PA Duryea 1948 Clem's Eagles w Names
PA Duryea 1948 Collier George & Bootsie Shemansky
PA Duryea 1948 Coolbaugh Rich & Carol Moluski First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Coolbaugh Stanley on Left
PA Duryea 1948 Cossman Janet and Dawn Vivalda
PA Duryea 1948 Cossman John & Eugene Vivalda 514 Meyer St
PA Duryea 1948 DHS Sweete Shoppe
PA Duryea 1948 David Linda and Carmella DeBiasi
PA Duryea 1948 DeBiasi Carmella & Mom 723 Main St
PA Duryea 1948 DeBiasi Doris Jenny and Dena
PA Duryea 1948 Dominic Chuck Playing Accordian
PA Duryea 1948 Dominick Andrew
PA Duryea 1948 Dominick Andy & Coach Tom Kelly
PA Duryea 1948 Dominick Stankoski Ryzner Football
PA Duryea 1948 Dommermuth Paul & Jos Moher Band
PA Duryea 1948 Donnely St fron Sacred Heart Church
PA Duryea 1948 Dopkin Stella Echalk and Ed Zbylicki
PA Duryea 1948 Dunay Mike Anna Grega Dunay
PA Duryea 1948 Duryea Hunting & Fishing Club Cabin
PA Duryea 1948 Dutkos Collier Chikoski Zukoski
PA Duryea 1948 Egan Mary and Ann Matt
PA Duryea 1948 Elementary School Band Outside with L Arbacheski & Names 1
PA Duryea 1948 Elementary School Band Outside with L Arbacheski & Names 2
PA Duryea 1948 Elementary School Band w Arbacheski
PA Duryea 1948 Entz Art and Dad
PA Duryea 1948 Entz Art
PA Duryea 1948 Erie RR Employees Wyoming Division
PA Duryea 1948 Erie RR Payroll Deductions
PA Duryea 1948 Ermel Ann and Janet Chromey
PA Duryea 1948 Ermel Bob Band
PA Duryea 1948 Evancho Bar Patrons
PA Duryea 1948 Football Banquet Program
PA Duryea 1948 Football Bone Stadium 1
PA Duryea 1948 Football Bone Stadium 2
PA Duryea 1948 Football Bone Stadium 3
PA Duryea 1948 Football Clem Russavage & Teammates
PA Duryea 1948 Football Game Action Shots 1
PA Duryea 1948 Football Squad Names
PA Duryea 1948 Football Team after Dupont Game
PA Duryea 1948 Football Team w Names
PA Duryea 1948 Football Team
PA Duryea 1948 Football Tommy Grogan
PA Duryea 1948 Football vs Dupont
PA Duryea 1948 Foote Ave Looking from HS
PA Duryea 1948 Fudala Aileen Fudala What a Car
PA Duryea 1948 Fudala Aileen
PA Duryea 1948 Fudala Darleen Band Uniform
PA Duryea 1948 Fudala Darleen on Stephenson St
PA Duryea 1948 Fudala Darlene Band
PA Duryea 1948 Fudala Honora Darleen and Aileen
PA Duryea 1948 Gallagher Ron & Jack Knopp in Beginners Band
PA Duryea 1948 Gallagher Ruth & Joan Chromey Majorettes
PA Duryea 1948 Gallagher Winnie Majorette
PA Duryea 1948 Gamma Club Original Charter
PA Duryea 1948 Gibbons Dolly Jerry John 3 Generations
PA Duryea 1948 Gillespie Audrey and Jack Gillespie Sr
PA Duryea 1948 Gillespie Jack & Audrey on Honeymoon
PA Duryea 1948 Gillespie Josie Jack Jr Audrey & Jack Sr
PA Duryea 1948 Gillespie Josie and Jack
PA Duryea 1948 Gillespie Wesenyak Wedding Kids by Church
PA Duryea 1948 Gillis Tavern New Year's Eve
PA Duryea 1948 Gillow Charlie and Jean
PA Duryea 1948 Girls by High School with Names
PA Duryea 1948 Golden Jack
PA Duryea 1948 Gorricks Store New Street
PA Duryea 1948 Graboskie John Tax Notice
PA Duryea 1948 Grabowski John Tax Notice
PA Duryea 1948 Grabowski Tom World War 1 Vet
PA Duryea 1948 Grad Class 10 Yr Reunion 1958
PA Duryea 1948 Grad Class Individual Photos
PA Duryea 1948 Grad Class Kilyanek Frank
PA Duryea 1948 Graduation 1
PA Duryea 1948 Graduation 2
PA Duryea 1948 Graduation Exercises
PA Duryea 1948 Graduation Program
PA Duryea 1948 Grala Pete
PA Duryea 1948 Granahan Mary Louise Darleen Fudala
PA Duryea 1948 Granahan Thomas James and Anna Cohen
PA Duryea 1948 Grandchildren of John & Catherine Arbacheski
PA Duryea 1948 Gromelski & Seeley by American Legion Home
PA Duryea 1948 Gromelski Ed Wins Bet with Charles Seeley
PA Duryea 1948 Guarimiere Irene & Charles
PA Duryea 1948 Guitson Winn Zavada Camping Near Rebeck's Island Falls PA
PA Duryea 1948 HS Class Gets Diplomas
PA Duryea 1948 HS Class
PA Duryea 1948 Hantz Joan 220 Swetland Street
PA Duryea 1948 Hantz Joan Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Hazenski Leo Martha and Bernie
PA Duryea 1948 Hazenski Leo and Bernie
PA Duryea 1948 High School Baseball Kilyanek Frank
PA Duryea 1948 High School Class
PA Duryea 1948 High School Graduates
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary Graduates on Stage
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary Graduation Trip
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary Halloween Parade
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary May Coronation Marcinko Andy
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary May Crowning
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary School 8th Grade Class
PA Duryea 1948 Holy Rosary School by Tony Kilyanek
PA Duryea 1948 Hosner Slatky DiBiasi Band Members
PA Duryea 1948 Houses Taken from Sacred Heart Church
PA Duryea 1948 Ice Skating at Pershing School
PA Duryea 1948 Ignatovich Joe Graduation Cap and Gown
PA Duryea 1948 Ignatovich Joe and Bass Drum
PA Duryea 1948 Ignatovich Lucy and Joe
PA Duryea 1948 Ignatovich and Russavage Clem
PA Duryea 1948 Joseph Jim
PA Duryea 1948 Josephs Louis Saloon with Dolly and Della Gibbons
PA Duryea 1948 Junior Homeroom
PA Duryea 1948 Kaczmerczyk Lorraine & Uncle Andy Matiko
PA Duryea 1948 Kaczmerzyk Lorraine & Aunt Mary Matiko
PA Duryea 1948 Kaminski Stan Aileen Fudala Teddy Swantkowski Irene Gilroy
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuba Klink Smitka Families
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuda Florence
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuda Veronica
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuda Vince YMCA Pool 1
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuda Vince YMCA Pool 2
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuda Yvonne & Len Adomiak 1st Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Kashuda Yvonne and Mary
PA Duryea 1948 Kehoe Berge Culm Dump View from Cooper St
PA Duryea 1948 Kehoe Berge Culm Dump
PA Duryea 1948 Kelly Naomi Engagement
PA Duryea 1948 Kelly OBoyle Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Kelly Tom Football Coach
PA Duryea 1948 Kennedy Eugene Band
PA Duryea 1948 Kilyanek Frank
PA Duryea 1948 King Roseanne Ruth Clarke and Friends
PA Duryea 1948 Klink Bernard Ron Richard with Santa
PA Duryea 1948 Klink Ron with Richie & Bernard
PA Duryea 1948 Klink Sigman Kids
PA Duryea 1948 Knopp Marge & Eugene Kobal Band
PA Duryea 1948 Kociolek Florence & John Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Koes Tom with Puppies
PA Duryea 1948 Komensky Gosser and Zboravian
PA Duryea 1948 Komensky Joe and Friends
PA Duryea 1948 Komensky Paul & Anna Mae Zborovian
PA Duryea 1948 Komensky Paul and Anna
PA Duryea 1948 Korea John Shemanski Gillow
PA Duryea 1948 Korncavage Carol
PA Duryea 1948 Krappa Hantz Ferndon Class Trip
PA Duryea 1948 Kulas Mary Ann & Reed Lourdes
PA Duryea 1948 Kulinski Coal Co Workers Records
PA Duryea 1948 Kunigiel Stan in Beginners Band
PA Duryea 1948 Kupcho Reunion
PA Duryea 1948 Kupstas Rev St Josephs Church
PA Duryea 1948 Kurlancheek Billhead to Sigman Charles
PA Duryea 1948 Lambert Curt Football
PA Duryea 1948 Lankowski Charlotte
PA Duryea 1948 Lipski Ridley
PA Duryea 1948 Lipski Stasia and Joan Hantz
PA Duryea 1948 Lorendoski Renfer Keltz Bellas Kremitske
PA Duryea 1948 Main St Boys
PA Duryea 1948 Majorettes Halftime Skit
PA Duryea 1948 Majorettes w Names
PA Duryea 1948 Majorettes
PA Duryea 1948 Malinak Eva and Dog Skipper
PA Duryea 1948 Malkowski Eleanor & Stanley Budzilek
PA Duryea 1948 Malkowski Eleanor and Louis
PA Duryea 1948 Malkowski Margie Backyard 239 Swetland
PA Duryea 1948 Marcinko Deangelo Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Marcy St Looking toward the River
PA Duryea 1948 Martinelli Yolanda Majorette
PA Duryea 1948 Martinelli's Party Clarke Matt Renfer Ostrowski Rutkowski
PA Duryea 1948 Masters Charlie Orchestra
PA Duryea 1948 Masters Charlie
PA Duryea 1948 Matiko Kress Kaczmerczk Martinelli Families
PA Duryea 1948 Matiko Peter
PA Duryea 1948 McArdle John with Family
PA Duryea 1948 Mihok Esther & Amelia & Verna Kiersznowski
PA Duryea 1948 Mikolosko Joe Band
PA Duryea 1948 Miller John Jr and Joseph
PA Duryea 1948 Monahan Sharon & Cousin Barbara Stryjewski
PA Duryea 1948 Moran Thomas 1st Communion Record
PA Duryea 1948 Moraskie Anna & Dorothy Pintha Majorettes
PA Duryea 1948 Murphy Joe at 712 Ann St
PA Duryea 1948 Mustinski Charlotte & Florence Witek Band
PA Duryea 1948 Nahidal Arnie at Calicoon Fishing Camp
PA Duryea 1948 Nasiatka Sigman Families Atlantic City
PA Duryea 1948 Nazarek Jenny at Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1948 Nestorick Dave on Pony
PA Duryea 1948 Nestorick Walter Miner
PA Duryea 1948 Neureuter Ida by Leader Tire Co Main St
PA Duryea 1948 Nicheporchek Bill and Bonnie Salek
PA Duryea 1948 Nitowski Ben & Jeff Football
PA Duryea 1948 Nitowski Ben Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 OBoyle Kelly Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 OBoyle Mrs William Wedding Day
PA Duryea 1948 OBoyle William & Naomi Wedding Day
PA Duryea 1948 Orkwis Gloria and Carol
PA Duryea 1948 Orloski Ron Gibbons Jerry and Diana
PA Duryea 1948 Ostroski Tony Band
PA Duryea 1948 Ostrowski Carole's Birthday Party Main Street
PA Duryea 1948 Ostrowski Elinor Graduation Picture
PA Duryea 1948 Ostrowski Elinor HS Diploma
PA Duryea 1948 Ostrowski Elinor
PA Duryea 1948 Ostrowski Eugene US Navy Passes Test
PA Duryea 1948 Ostrowski Irene Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Ozovek Bernie & Eugene Kluck Band
PA Duryea 1948 Padooka and S Rava
PA Duryea 1948 Pakutka Eugene
PA Duryea 1948 Parade South Main St 1
PA Duryea 1948 Parade South Main St 2
PA Duryea 1948 Pawloski John Band
PA Duryea 1948 Pawlowski Market
PA Duryea 1948 Pintha Dorothy Majorette
PA Duryea 1948 Piorkowski Val & Carol Ostrowski
PA Duryea 1948 Piorkowski Val Clarinet Player
PA Duryea 1948 Polak Stan & Dolores Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Poplowski Logue Zara Grudzinski
PA Duryea 1948 Poremba Francis
PA Duryea 1948 Poremba Kennedy Collier
PA Duryea 1948 Poremba Leonard by Vintage Car
PA Duryea 1948 Poremba Shirley & Ruth Clarke Band
PA Duryea 1948 Prom 1
PA Duryea 1948 Prom 2
PA Duryea 1948 Prom 3
PA Duryea 1948 Pucilowski Putchy Football
PA Duryea 1948 Quinn & Jennings Insurance Co 727 Main
PA Duryea 1948 Rava Repasky Levandoski
PA Duryea 1948 Reed Lourdes
PA Duryea 1948 Resavy Bill & Miller Fred
PA Duryea 1948 Resavy Clem Front of Bar
PA Duryea 1948 Resavy Don & Antonette Wedding Party
PA Duryea 1948 Resavy Frank Pussy Pesontine Pop Kolvek
PA Duryea 1948 Rickwalder Grogan Busch Dominic
PA Duryea 1948 Rincavage Ann First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Rincavage Francis and Wanda
PA Duryea 1948 Robinson John Erie RR Tax Deduction
PA Duryea 1948 Rocky Glen Nancy Kelly and Friends 1
PA Duryea 1948 Rocky Glen Nancy Kelly and Friends 2
PA Duryea 1948 Rodgers Jean Graduation Gown & More
PA Duryea 1948 Roslewicz Theresa & Poremba Lennie
PA Duryea 1948 Rutkowski Nancy Majorette
PA Duryea 1948 Sadowski Doris Majorette
PA Duryea 1948 Salek Bonnie Christmas
PA Duryea 1948 Salek Family Gathering
PA Duryea 1948 Salek Frances and Grandchildren
PA Duryea 1948 Salidis Ruth & Mary Ann
PA Duryea 1948 Salidis Ruth
PA Duryea 1948 Salitas Victor
PA Duryea 1948 Salitis Bob Graduation
PA Duryea 1948 Salitis Mary Lou
PA Duryea 1948 Sapolis Irma & Joseph
PA Duryea 1948 Sapolis Joseph & Irma
PA Duryea 1948 Sapolis Maryann & Joseph
PA Duryea 1948 Sapolis Mom Ronald & Anna
PA Duryea 1948 Sapolis Pop & Mom
PA Duryea 1948 Schmalz Bill Church Member Certificate
PA Duryea 1948 Schumann Frank & Esther Mihok
PA Duryea 1948 Sealy Charlie & Ed Munda Gromelski Truman Rally 1
PA Duryea 1948 Sealy Charlie & Ed Munda Gromelski Truman Rally 2
PA Duryea 1948 Semanski Marcia & Beverly Gosser
PA Duryea 1948 Semanski Stanley and Helen
PA Duryea 1948 Senior Band
PA Duryea 1948 Senior Prom 1
PA Duryea 1948 Senior Prom 2
PA Duryea 1948 Shedler Phyllis First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Shemansky Bootsie & George Collier
PA Duryea 1948 Shirtz Store & American Legion Main St
PA Duryea 1948 Sigman Charles First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Smitka Kashuda Kids Easter
PA Duryea 1948 Smitka Ray
PA Duryea 1948 Solarchik Dorothy
PA Duryea 1948 Solarchik Romayne Nurse
PA Duryea 1948 Solarchik Romayne Nurses Cape
PA Duryea 1948 South Main St Houses
PA Duryea 1948 Spanish American War Vets Reunion
PA Duryea 1948 Sports Banquet Program
PA Duryea 1948 St Josephs First Communion and Names
PA Duryea 1948 St Josephs First Communion w Names
PA Duryea 1948 St Josephs First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Stankoski Tom Football Center
PA Duryea 1948 Stankoski Tom Football
PA Duryea 1948 Stiroh Bernie First Communion Certificate
PA Duryea 1948 Stirr Marilyn
PA Duryea 1948 Strupcewski Tony & Andy Wasta Band
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Drug Store Main St
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Emil Amelia Wedding 1
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Emil Amelia Wedding 2
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Emil Amelia Wedding 3
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Emil Amelia
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Emil and Amelia Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Michael First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Swantkowski Ted Steve & Stan J Zyzniewskiu Jr
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczenski Adella and Archie Antal
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Adella and Joseph
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Bernard Close Up
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Bernard Frontal Close Up
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Bernard in Winter
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Bernard
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Bernie
PA Duryea 1948 Swierczynski Joseph & Bernard
PA Duryea 1948 Swiericzynski Chuck
PA Duryea 1948 Szymanski Henry Military Funeral 1
PA Duryea 1948 Szymanski Henry Military Funeral 2
PA Duryea 1948 Szymanski Henry Military Funeral 3
PA Duryea 1948 Szymanski Henry Military Funeral 4
PA Duryea 1948 Teske Art Erie RR Income Tax
PA Duryea 1948 Urban Peggy
PA Duryea 1948 Vintage Car
PA Duryea 1948 Virhoski Scoda Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Vivalda Brotch & Little Brotch
PA Duryea 1948 Vivalda Dawn in Beginners Band
PA Duryea 1948 Vivalda Dawn on Bike
PA Duryea 1948 Vivalda John 1st Holy Communion Paper Sacred Heart Church
PA Duryea 1948 Vivalda Little Brotch
PA Duryea 1948 Walsh Pat First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Walsh Pat Polish Dance Group
PA Duryea 1948 Wascavage Malkowski House 239 241 Swetland
PA Duryea 1948 Wasilewski Helen & Roslewicz Theresa & Helen
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Bernard & Patrice
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Bernard
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Bernie
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Mary & Patrice
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Mary with Patrice
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Patrice and Mary
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Patrice and Mom
PA Duryea 1948 Wendoloski Patrice on Sled
PA Duryea 1948 Wesenyak Anna & Louis 516 Foote Ave Audreys Wedding
PA Duryea 1948 Wesenyak Anna & Louis with Jack & Audrey
PA Duryea 1948 Wesenyak Audrey and Josie Gillespie
PA Duryea 1948 Wesenyak Gillespie Wedding Limo Drivers
PA Duryea 1948 Wesenyak Louis Jr & Audrey Sacred Heart Church
PA Duryea 1948 Wieczorek Joe & Jim Gillis Football
PA Duryea 1948 Wieczorek Russavage Novak Football
PA Duryea 1948 Willaims Elizabeth Morgan and Family
PA Duryea 1948 William A Shaft Kehoe Berge
PA Duryea 1948 Williams Tommy and Jenny DeBiasi
PA Duryea 1948 Wilson School 1st Grade Play
PA Duryea 1948 Witkoski John Family Pettebone St
PA Duryea 1948 Witkoski John US Marines
PA Duryea 1948 Wnenta Leroy and Ed
PA Duryea 1948 Wrabbel Len & Stan Kaczinski
PA Duryea 1948 Wudarski Dolores Helen Frank & Joe
PA Duryea 1948 Yager Rosemary Cheerleader
PA Duryea 1948 Yanik Ed US Army and Mom Mary
PA Duryea 1948 Yaverski Al & Paul Dommermuth in Beginners Band
PA Duryea 1948 Yesnowski Joe Yankee Stadium Bus Trip
PA Duryea 1948 Yesnowski Lefty Football
PA Duryea 1948 York Ave Looking from Football Field
PA Duryea 1948 Yuhas Family Christmas Card
PA Duryea 1948 Yuhas Paul & Dan Christmas Card
PA Duryea 1948 Zareski Patsy First Communion
PA Duryea 1948 Zareski Stella and Patsy with Clara
PA Duryea 1948 Zavada John Hash Back of Lackawanna River
PA Duryea 1948 Ziembroski Helen
PA Duryea 1948 Zike Alex and Mike Vrabbel
PA Duryea 1948 Zinkavich Vince Tom Grogan
PA Duryea 1948 Zinkavich Vince Yankee Stadium Bus Trip
PA Duryea 1948 Zukosky Bob 150 Swetland and Kehoe Culm Dump
PA Duryea 1948 Zukosky Bob with Fritz & Irene Yaverski
PA Duryea 1948 Zyzneski John and Ruth
PA Duryea 1949 11th Grade Home Room
PA Duryea 1949 1951 Zukosky Bob U of Pennsylvania Fencing Team
PA Duryea 1949 50 Class Reunion Program 1
PA Duryea 1949 50 Class Reunion Program 2
PA Duryea 1949 50 Class Reunion with Names
PA Duryea 1949 50 Class Reunions
PA Duryea 1949 50 Ms Kramer D J Tonetti Joe Doxbeck Joe Lucas & Joe Murphy
PA Duryea 1949 Akulonis Bartuska Osenkarski
PA Duryea 1949 Alexander & Marie Agostini College Prom
PA Duryea 1949 Alexander Bill & Marie Agostini & Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Alexander Bill & The Tompkins Brothers
PA Duryea 1949 Alexander Bill with Marie Agostini & Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Alexander Kenny Pauline Knitowski Senior Prom
PA Duryea 1949 Ambrosavage Jean Moluski Wedding
PA Duryea 1949 Ambrosavage Jean and Esther with Jean Hantz
PA Duryea 1949 Ambrosavage Moluski Jean Ester Carol and Cynthia Moluski
PA Duryea 1949 Ambrosavage Moluski Wedding at St Josephs Church
PA Duryea 1949 Ameika Walter and Carol
PA Duryea 1949 American Legion Clambake Band
PA Duryea 1949 Anderson Nancy Poem to Classmates
PA Duryea 1949 Antal Lorraine and Art Niagara Falls
PA Duryea 1949 Antal Lorraine and Arthur
PA Duryea 1949 April 17 Holy Rosary School
PA Duryea 1949 Band 429 New St
PA Duryea 1949 Band Concert Cover
PA Duryea 1949 Band Concert Part 1
PA Duryea 1949 Band Concert Part 2
PA Duryea 1949 Band Concert Part 3
PA Duryea 1949 Band Concert Part 4
PA Duryea 1949 Band Concert Part 5
PA Duryea 1949 Band at Football Game
PA Duryea 1949 Barber Shop Bud Carey 247 Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Barton Dave at Fishing and Hunting Club
PA Duryea 1949 Bartuska Audrey Jr Dance
PA Duryea 1949 Bartuska Butchie Bernie Stiroh Len Arbacheski
PA Duryea 1949 Baseball Gamma Club Team
PA Duryea 1949 Bat Boy Gamma Club Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Bavitz Joe Band
PA Duryea 1949 Bavitz Joe Bernie Russick Len Chromey
PA Duryea 1949 Bavitz Joe Darleen Fudala Eugene Billick
PA Duryea 1949 Bavitz Joe and Darleen Fudala
PA Duryea 1949 Biga Dorothy First Communion
PA Duryea 1949 Biga Dorothy and Grandfather Joe Biga
PA Duryea 1949 Biga Dorothy with Mom and Dad
PA Duryea 1949 Biga John Dorothy & Grandfather Joe
PA Duryea 1949 Bob Winn & Friends of Yolanda Martinelli
PA Duryea 1949 Bon Fire & Pep Rally at High School
PA Duryea 1949 Bonczek
PA Duryea 1949 Brecelnik Frank
PA Duryea 1949 Breymeier Roberta at Constitution Ave
PA Duryea 1949 Butrymowicz John Tommy & Emma
PA Duryea 1949 Cadden Pete Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Cadden Pete in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 Campbells Ledge from Pittston Hospital
PA Duryea 1949 Carey Al & Carmen DeBiasi at Clambake
PA Duryea 1949 Carey Bud Barber Shop Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Cavall Louise & Helen Cosgrove Cheerleaders
PA Duryea 1949 Cheerleaders
PA Duryea 1949 Chicoski Marion Ruth Salidis Marilyn Getchonis
PA Duryea 1949 Chilek John Erie RR Tax Deduction
PA Duryea 1949 Chromey Eugene US Army on R
PA Duryea 1949 Chromey Eugene in US Army
PA Duryea 1949 Chromey Henry in Bermuda
PA Duryea 1949 Cimakosky Joe Art Award
PA Duryea 1949 Cimakosky Joe Smacky Clems Eagles
PA Duryea 1949 Cimakosky Joe Smacky Football
PA Duryea 1949 Cimakosky Smacky Football vs Pittston
PA Duryea 1949 Clarke Ruth & Friends at DHS
PA Duryea 1949 Clarke Ruth and Friend
PA Duryea 1949 Class Banner
PA Duryea 1949 Class Reunion 25th in 1994 with Names
PA Duryea 1949 Class Trip to Glenwood 1
PA Duryea 1949 Class Trip to Glenwood 2
PA Duryea 1949 Class Trip to Glenwood 3
PA Duryea 1949 Clems Eagles Baseball team
PA Duryea 1949 Coleman John Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Collier Kathy 729 Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Collier Kathy on Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Commercial Class Homeroom
PA Duryea 1949 Cremard Louis and Carmella
PA Duryea 1949 Dance at Sacred Heart Hall
PA Duryea 1949 DeBiasi Carmella and Jenny
PA Duryea 1949 DeBiasi Dena and Carmella in Stroller
PA Duryea 1949 DeBiasi Gilroy Wesenyak Families
PA Duryea 1949 DeBiasi Jenny by Town Hall
PA Duryea 1949 DeBiasi Mrs Jenny by Store
PA Duryea 1949 Dills Mary A Obituary
PA Duryea 1949 Dominick Chuck in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 Domzalski and Friends at Dance
PA Duryea 1949 Duryea Hunting & Fishing Club Ladies Day
PA Duryea 1949 Duryea Rec Formerly Ostrowsky Hall Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Dushok Joe Baseball Holy Rosary
PA Duryea 1949 Dwornikoski Charlie and Frank Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Dzurisin Daniel & Minchak Ann Marie
PA Duryea 1949 Echalk Al Holy Rosary Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Echan Helen & Stan Nazarchuk at Lake Ariel
PA Duryea 1949 Echan Helen at Lake Ariel
PA Duryea 1949 Echo House Herman Marion & Sadowski Romaine
PA Duryea 1949 Entz Art with Cat
PA Duryea 1949 Entz Ludwig Saloon Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Evancho Danny in St Michael's Greek Catholic Church Pittston
PA Duryea 1949 Evans Levandoski Wedding Invitation
PA Duryea 1949 Evaskaitis Shedler Aruscavage First Communion
PA Duryea 1949 Executive Committee for Yearbook
PA Duryea 1949 Fans Cheerleaders Night Football Game
PA Duryea 1949 Football Action 1
PA Duryea 1949 Football Action 2
PA Duryea 1949 Football Action Shot
PA Duryea 1949 Football Action vs Avoca
PA Duryea 1949 Football vs Avoca
PA Duryea 1949 Football vs Clarks Summit
PA Duryea 1949 Freshmen Dance
PA Duryea 1949 Fudala Aileen Bernie Swierczynski Lake Winola
PA Duryea 1949 Fudala Darleen
PA Duryea 1949 Fudala Honora Wedding
PA Duryea 1949 Galushka John
PA Duryea 1949 Galushka Korpushik Pernot Piontek Swenton
PA Duryea 1949 Germania Hose Co 1949 Ford
PA Duryea 1949 Getson Bill High School Football Uniform
PA Duryea 1949 Gibbons John Barbara Wedding
PA Duryea 1949 Gillespie Audrey and Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Gillespie Audrey
PA Duryea 1949 Gillespie Bernie Alice Monahan
PA Duryea 1949 Gillis Al Family by Milk Truck
PA Duryea 1949 Gillis New Year's Eve Poremba & Roslewicz Families
PA Duryea 1949 Gillis New Year's Eve Raulin Roslewicz Families
PA Duryea 1949 Gillis New Year's Eve Roslewicz Raulin Poremba Families
PA Duryea 1949 Gilroy Dick and Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Girl Scout Parade Lugg Wilma Leader
PA Duryea 1949 Girls Cameo
PA Duryea 1949 Girls at Dance Sacred Heart Hall
PA Duryea 1949 Girls at Dance
PA Duryea 1949 Girls at Jr Dance
PA Duryea 1949 Golden & Wendoloski Families
PA Duryea 1949 Golden Jack & Regina
PA Duryea 1949 Golden and Wendoloski Families
PA Duryea 1949 Gosser Al at Hunting Club
PA Duryea 1949 Grabowski Carol and Friend Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1949 Grabowski Family Candids
PA Duryea 1949 Grabowski Stella Dan and Carol Rocky Glen
PA Duryea 1949 Graduating Class w Names
PA Duryea 1949 Graduating Class
PA Duryea 1949 Graduation Program
PA Duryea 1949 Grandmother Witkoski And Grandson John
PA Duryea 1949 Grobosky Michael
PA Duryea 1949 Grobosky Tina
PA Duryea 1949 Grogan Tom 27 Football
PA Duryea 1949 Grogan Tom and Friends at DHS Sweet Shoppe
PA Duryea 1949 Grogan Tom in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 HS Girls at Spaghetti Supper
PA Duryea 1949 Hantz Jean Bridesmaid
PA Duryea 1949 Hantz Jean Jean Moluski at Dress Factory Party
PA Duryea 1949 Hantz Joan and Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Hantz Joan by Town Hall
PA Duryea 1949 Hantz Leo John Grabowski
PA Duryea 1949 Hazenski Bernie First Commuion with Family
PA Duryea 1949 Herron Bob & Bonnie 1934 Ford Coupe
PA Duryea 1949 Herron Bonnie at Herrons Store
PA Duryea 1949 Herron Danny Bob Ozzie Winn
PA Duryea 1949 Herron Ralph on Rt at Stauffers
PA Duryea 1949 High School Baseball Team w Names
PA Duryea 1949 High School Cheerleaders Panetski Kachinski Cavall Granahan Cosgrove
PA Duryea 1949 High School Class
PA Duryea 1949 High School Dance
PA Duryea 1949 High School Faculty with Names
PA Duryea 1949 High School Pitching Staff Anthracite Champs w Names
PA Duryea 1949 High School Swim Party
PA Duryea 1949 Hokien Hank Baseball Holy Rosary
PA Duryea 1949 Holy Rosary 3rd Grade
PA Duryea 1949 Holy Rosary Blowing Bubbles Play
PA Duryea 1949 Holy Rosary Boys
PA Duryea 1949 Holy Rosary Church May Coronation Mary Ann Chromey
PA Duryea 1949 Holy Rosary Holy Name Soc Baseball Team
PA Duryea 1949 Holy Rosary School Play Compliments of Shimko Ins
PA Duryea 1949 House by New St RR Crossing
PA Duryea 1949 Hughes Arthur Erie RR Tax Deduction
PA Duryea 1949 Jones Faith and Easter Bunny
PA Duryea 1949 Jones Faith on Horse
PA Duryea 1949 Jones Faith with Bike
PA Duryea 1949 Jr Sr High School Band w Names
PA Duryea 1949 Junior Dance Sacred Heart Hall 1
PA Duryea 1949 Junior Dance Sacred Heart Hall 2
PA Duryea 1949 Junior Dance Sacred Heart Hall 3
PA Duryea 1949 Junior Dance Sacred Heart Hall 4
PA Duryea 1949 Kabachinsky Ed Oddo Gillow
PA Duryea 1949 Kabachinsky Ed
PA Duryea 1949 Kachinsky Ted Holy Rosary Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Kalafut Jerome Baseball Holy Rosary
PA Duryea 1949 Kelly and DeBiasi Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 1
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 2
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 3
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 4
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 5
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 6
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 7
PA Duryea 1949 Kellys Bar St Patricks Day 8
PA Duryea 1949 Kilyanek Adam
PA Duryea 1949 Kindergarten Class w Names
PA Duryea 1949 Klink Sophie Bill for Birth of John
PA Duryea 1949 Klubukowski Marion and Rita Humenanski
PA Duryea 1949 Knitowski Pauline Marylou Granahan Audrey Bartuska
PA Duryea 1949 Knopp Charles
PA Duryea 1949 Komensky Joe Dick Zborovian at the Cabin
PA Duryea 1949 Komensky Joe Dick Zborovian at the Cabin
PA Duryea 1949 Kulinski Evelyn Beatrice Rutkoski Mrs John Snopkowski
PA Duryea 1949 Kulinski John Evelyn Kulinski Stanley Tuminski
PA Duryea 1949 Kupcho Mike & Sophia Easter Sunday
PA Duryea 1949 Kurtenich Pauline at Coxton
PA Duryea 1949 Kutsko Joe Helen Echan and Friend
PA Duryea 1949 Lambert Curt George Fedor & Friends DHS Sweet Shoppe
PA Duryea 1949 Lankowski Leonard HS Band
PA Duryea 1949 Little Players Appear in Story Time
PA Duryea 1949 Madrak Grad Party
PA Duryea 1949 Main Street Parade
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Anna Moraskie
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Doris Sadowski
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Helen Ziembroski
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Joan Chromey
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Nancy Rutkowski
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Pintha Dorothy
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Ruth Gallagher
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Winnie Gallagher
PA Duryea 1949 Majorette Yolanda Martinelli
PA Duryea 1949 Majorettes Band at Game
PA Duryea 1949 Majorettes Night Football Game
PA Duryea 1949 Majorettes at Exeter Football Game
PA Duryea 1949 Malecki Lillian and Nancy Kelly
PA Duryea 1949 Malinowski Hojnowski Roslewicz
PA Duryea 1949 Malkowski Kids & Swetland St Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Maopoloski Ted Holy Rosary Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Marcy St Snowstorm
PA Duryea 1949 Martinelli Yolanda & Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Matt Earl
PA Duryea 1949 Maxim Paul at VFW Clambake
PA Duryea 1949 Mierzejewski Frank Insurance Card
PA Duryea 1949 Mierzeski Ed Hunting Liscense
PA Duryea 1949 Moluski Ambrosavage Wedding Pettebone St
PA Duryea 1949 Moluski Esther Bridesmaid
PA Duryea 1949 Moluski Tony Doe Carol and Cynthia
PA Duryea 1949 Moluski Tony and Doe
PA Duryea 1949 Monahan Alice and Phyllis
PA Duryea 1949 Monahan Gerald & Family
PA Duryea 1949 Monahan Sharon & Geraldine
PA Duryea 1949 Moskaitis Dan and Gushinski
PA Duryea 1949 Murphy Bill Joe Solarchik Harold Russavage
PA Duryea 1949 Murphy Rutkoski Ostroski Russavage
PA Duryea 1949 Murphy Wanda & Beatrice Rutkoski
PA Duryea 1949 Murphy Wanda & Jessie Russavage
PA Duryea 1949 Nasiatka Hastie Klink Families
PA Duryea 1949 Nazarchuk Stan & Helen Echan with Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Nazarchuk Stanley Lake Ariel
PA Duryea 1949 Nazarchuk Stanley at Lake Ariel
PA Duryea 1949 Nazarek Olga & Zaborowski Al
PA Duryea 1949 Nealis Mae Teacher
PA Duryea 1949 Neureuter Ed
PA Duryea 1949 New St Railroad Crossing
PA Duryea 1949 Nitowski Bernard Bob Herron Bob Carey US Navy
PA Duryea 1949 Nitowski Bernie Bob Carey Bob Herron US Navy
PA Duryea 1949 Nolan Margaret Teacher
PA Duryea 1949 Nowakowski George Nippper & Father Kula
PA Duryea 1949 OMalley Rosemary Gene Mustage & Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Ostroski Barney Jesse Rutkoski and Friend
PA Duryea 1949 Ostroski Charlotte
PA Duryea 1949 Ostroski Mrs and Mrs Wycallis
PA Duryea 1949 Ozovek Bernie
PA Duryea 1949 Panetski Helen Cheerleader
PA Duryea 1949 Parzek Bob Ed & Joyce Shirtz Ed Jaworski
PA Duryea 1949 Parzek Bob Fisherman
PA Duryea 1949 Parzek Bob and Ed Shirtz
PA Duryea 1949 Pawloski Bavitz Fudala at Prom
PA Duryea 1949 Pawloski Jack Helen Cosgrove
PA Duryea 1949 Pernot Bernot & Father Kula
PA Duryea 1949 Pero Bertha Chromey & Tom
PA Duryea 1949 Petro Joe
PA Duryea 1949 Plymouth with Darleen Fudala
PA Duryea 1949 Pochalonis Joe US Air Force & Anne
PA Duryea 1949 Polak Eddie Drawing by Joe Ignatovich
PA Duryea 1949 Potchalonis Eva & Maryann Zukauskas & Friends
PA Duryea 1949 Prom Attendees
PA Duryea 1949 Prom Guests
PA Duryea 1949 Prom with Masters Orchestra 1
PA Duryea 1949 Prom with Masters Orchestra 2 w Names
PA Duryea 1949 Rakowski Gus & Maryann Zukauskas
PA Duryea 1949 Rakowski Gus on Stephenson St
PA Duryea 1949 Rava Al at Wedding
PA Duryea 1949 Rava Wedding at Boonville NY
PA Duryea 1949 Reed Lourdes
PA Duryea 1949 Repasky Jackie & Bride & Groom
PA Duryea 1949 Repasky Walter & Bridesmaids
PA Duryea 1949 Repasky Walter
PA Duryea 1949 Report Card Envelope
PA Duryea 1949 Rickwalder Yuhas Baker Families
PA Duryea 1949 Rincavage Francis Junction Baseball Team
PA Duryea 1949 Roslewicz Adam Sr Stephenson St Bridge
PA Duryea 1949 Ruda Casimir 9th Grade
PA Duryea 1949 Ruda Joe Bob Ermel Al Orkwis
PA Duryea 1949 Russavage Joe & Jessie Anniversary Party 1
PA Duryea 1949 Russavage Joe & Jessie Anniversary Party 2
PA Duryea 1949 Russick Mrs & Kay Russavage
PA Duryea 1949 Russick Mrs and Jessie Russavage
PA Duryea 1949 Rutkowski Nancy in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 Rutkowski Nancy
PA Duryea 1949 SGS Girls Party
PA Duryea 1949 SGS Girls
PA Duryea 1949 Salek John Poems
PA Duryea 1949 Salek Kids at Christmas
PA Duryea 1949 Salek Mary Nicheporchek and Bonnie
PA Duryea 1949 Salek Mary and Bonnie
PA Duryea 1949 Saleks at Christmas
PA Duryea 1949 Salidis Ruth and Grandparents
PA Duryea 1949 Salidis Ruth
PA Duryea 1949 Scammacca Gillow Military
PA Duryea 1949 School District Nurse
PA Duryea 1949 Scoda Dorothy and Mom
PA Duryea 1949 Scoda Irene
PA Duryea 1949 Sealy Joe & Family w Names
PA Duryea 1949 Sealy Peggy
PA Duryea 1949 Senior Dance 1
PA Duryea 1949 Senior Dance 2
PA Duryea 1949 Senior Dance Cake Walk 1
PA Duryea 1949 Senior Dance Cake Walk 2
PA Duryea 1949 Shaffer Al Borough Pay Stubs
PA Duryea 1949 Shebby Beatrice and Theresa
PA Duryea 1949 Shebby Philip US Army
PA Duryea 1949 Shukwit Ann Bernadine Aruscavage First Communion
PA Duryea 1949 Skowronski Bernard
PA Duryea 1949 Slatky Alma Ray Scoda Lake Winola
PA Duryea 1949 Snopkowski John & Stanley Russick
PA Duryea 1949 Solarchik Mrs and Mrs Barney Ostroski
PA Duryea 1949 St Josephs First Communion w Names
PA Duryea 1949 Stascavage Florist Shop 245 Main St
PA Duryea 1949 Stephenson St Bridge
PA Duryea 1949 Stewarts Julia with Jean & Eugene Vivalda
PA Duryea 1949 Stores at 247 and 245 Main Street
PA Duryea 1949 Swantkowski Ted Stephen & Michael
PA Duryea 1949 Swetland St Boys on Picnic with Names 1
PA Duryea 1949 Swetland St Boys on Picnic with Names 2
PA Duryea 1949 Swetland St Boys on Picnic with Names 3
PA Duryea 1949 Swierczynski Antal Wedding
PA Duryea 1949 Swierczynski Bernie Tommy Kachinski Ray Scoda Lake Winola
PA Duryea 1949 Swierczynski Lorraine and Bridesmaids
PA Duryea 1949 Tompkins Tom Tucker & Eve Barille
PA Duryea 1949 Tompkins Tom Tucker & Rita Kolmansberger
PA Duryea 1949 Tompkins Tom with Rita Kolmansberger
PA Duryea 1949 Traigis Bill & Bob Yesnowski & Prom Dates
PA Duryea 1949 Truskauskas Rev George Ordination
PA Duryea 1949 VFW Clambake First One
PA Duryea 1949 Vender Joe Maryann Zukauskas Arlene Mantione
PA Duryea 1949 Viadock Leona
PA Duryea 1949 Vrabels Mike Blackhawk
PA Duryea 1949 Vs Avoca Football Program 1
PA Duryea 1949 Vs Avoca Football Program 2
PA Duryea 1949 Vs Avoca Football Program 3
PA Duryea 1949 Vs Avoca Football Program 4
PA Duryea 1949 Wendoloski Carol
PA Duryea 1949 Wendoloski Ignatius and Rose
PA Duryea 1949 Wendoloski Len & Betty with Patrice
PA Duryea 1949 Wendoloski Len Baseball
PA Duryea 1949 Wendoloski Patrice Walking
PA Duryea 1949 Wendoloski Patrice and Mary
PA Duryea 1949 Wesenyak Clara
PA Duryea 1949 Wesenyak Herman Eleanor Baclawski Herman Wesenyak
PA Duryea 1949 Wilson School Kindergarten Class Graduation
PA Duryea 1949 Wnenta Ted and Family
PA Duryea 1949 Wollner Claire in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 Wollner Claire
PA Duryea 1949 Wycallis Gerry & Maryann Zukauskas
PA Duryea 1949 Wycallis Joe Mrs Stanley Tuminski Chief Russavage
PA Duryea 1949 Wywiorski Joan in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 Yachna at Rava Wedding
PA Duryea 1949 Yankowski Helen
PA Duryea 1949 Yaskulski Lottie Adrienne Kachinsky
PA Duryea 1949 Yesnowski Bob 22 Bob Lazevnick 14
PA Duryea 1949 Yesnowski Bob Lefty Football Action
PA Duryea 1949 Yesnowski Fedor Moran Winn in Classroom
PA Duryea 1949 Yesnowski Joe and Classmates
PA Duryea 1949 Yesnowski Lefty Football Action
PA Duryea 1949 Yuhas Family George & Anna
PA Duryea 1949 Yuhas Family Nov 19
PA Duryea 1949 Yuhas George & Anna Nov 19
PA Duryea 1949 Yuhas Mary George Anna John
PA Duryea 1949 Zaborowski Stan & Theresa Wedding Reception Holy Rosary 1
PA Duryea 1949 Zaborowski Stan & Theresa Wedding Reception Holy Rosary 2
PA Duryea 1949 Zaborowski Stan & Theresa Wedding Reception Holy Rosary 3
PA Duryea 1949 Zaborowski Stan & Theresa Wedding Reception Holy Rosary 4
PA Duryea 1949 Zaborowski Stan & Theresa Wedding Reception Holy Rosary Kitchen Help
PA Duryea 1949 Zajulka Clara with Kids
PA Duryea 1949 Zajulka John Erie RR Tax Deduction
PA Duryea 1949 Zajulka Tom 146 Lackawanna Ave
PA Duryea 1949 Zajulka Tom First Communion
PA Duryea 1949 Zara Bill
PA Duryea 1949 Zavada Bartuska Ermel Panetski
PA Duryea 1949 Zavada Bernard Audrey Bartuska Helen Panetski Robert Ermel Senior Prom
PA Duryea 1949 Zawrotny Vodge Top with Neighbors
PA Duryea 1949 Zike Dolores
PA Duryea 1949 Zincavage Vince
PA Duryea 1949 Zinkavich Vince Football Action
PA Duryea 1949 Zukauskas Lynn & Friend Chittenden St
PA Duryea 1949 Zukauskas Maryann & Chris
PA Duryea 1949 Zukauskas Maryann & Gussie Rakowski
PA Duryea 1949 Zyzneski Sophie

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Brought to you by:

Bernie Stiroh
Nancy Stiroh Davis
Mike Lizonitz
and the generous people of Duryea,PA

Preserving the past for the future!

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