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Welcome to the Duryea, Pennsylvania
Homepage of the Holy Rosary Cemetery

Within these pages you find links to digital photos of some of the tombstones in the Holy Rosary Cemetery. These photos were taken in 2010 and are only a portion of the tombstones there.

PLEASE NOTE: Although we have tried to make this partial listing accurate, it is very possible that we may have misread a tombstone or hit the wrong key or keys when typing up this information. If you see any mistakes regarding name spellings or dates, please let me know so I can correct them. In many cases, there are more names on a given tombstone than are shown in the link. However, we only listed one because of limitations in the link size. So be sure to view the tombstone photo itself if you have an interest in a certain name.

If you have more information about any of the people listed on these tombstones or any photos of the people listed on these tombstones, please contact me and we can arrange to have them added to the website. We are always interested in adding additional items to the website of anything relating to Duryea and the people who lived there prior to 1965. If you have old documents, newspaper articles, maps, photos or anything else you think might be of interest, please feel free to contact us. This will help others who may be researching their ancestors.

PA Duryea 1900 Kozlowski Hilary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1900s Kollmansperger Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1900s Michalia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1900s Ogurkis Yuozas Tombstone
PA Duryea 1900s Pakutka Tombstone
PA Duryea 1900s Witkowskie John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1901 Siostra Roslewicz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1901 Subinski Tombstone
PA Duryea 1903 Czajkowski Victoria Tombstone
PA Duryea 1903 Grabowski Feliks Tombstone
PA Duryea 1903 Przybylski Martin Tombstone
PA Duryea 1903 Starzyk Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1906 Andrej Tombstone
PA Duryea 1906 Dziatkowska Apolonia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1906 Podracky Annie Tombstone
PA Duryea 1907 Nuwacki Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1907 Olczak Juliana Tombstone
PA Duryea 1908 Pavliha Tombstone
PA Duryea 1909 Gregula George Tombstone
PA Duryea 1909 Hodik Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1909 Kulla Anna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1910 Vano Tombstone
PA Duryea 1911 Grzymkowska Julia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1911 Strucko Veronica Tombstone
PA Duryea 1912 Goleniewski Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1913 Antal Manzelka Tombstone
PA Duryea 1913 Grudzinski Anthony Tombstone
PA Duryea 1913 Korpusik Anthony Tombstone
PA Duryea 1913 Krutulis Bronislowas Tombstone
PA Duryea 1914 Kutniewski Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1915 Fostock John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1915 Kejza Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1916 Krzynowek Helena Tombstone
PA Duryea 1916 Lankowski Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1916 Orkwis Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1917 Papierkiewicz Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Barsch Edward Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Danilowicz Eva Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Gackowski Piotr Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Jachna Victoria Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Kremnicky Crib Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Nawrocki Josephine Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Nowacki Maryann Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Shebby Stephen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Szumski Boleslawa Tombstone
PA Duryea 1918 Zielynski Teofil Tombstone
PA Duryea 1919 Kulas Simon Tombstone
PA Duryea 1920 Azarowicz Kazimiesz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1920 Cieplucha Mateusz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1920 Dudek Magdalena Tombstone
PA Duryea 1920 Hazenski Catherine Tombstone
PA Duryea 1920 Ostrowska Teofila
PA Duryea 1920 Prusaczyak Franciszik Tombstone
PA Duryea 1920 Vanyo Mary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1921 Krupski Kathrine Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Barnecky Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Chodnicki Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Filipkowski Ludwig Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Fudala Clemens Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Krapa Adam Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Murawski Chester Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Stalski Jacob Tombstone
PA Duryea 1922 Starzyk Rose Tombstone
PA Duryea 1923 Chikowski John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1923 Czyzyk Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1923 Grelecki Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1923 Krupski Steffie Tombstone
PA Duryea 1923 Misiorek Ludwik Tombstone
PA Duryea 1923 Ryzner Julianna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1924 Budzilek Bronislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1924 Gorski John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1924 Krzynowek John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1924 Sobecki Jerzy Tombstone
PA Duryea 1924 Zabyt Wielgo Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Dopko Anna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Goleniewski Konstanty Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Ignatowicz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Jaksina Peter Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Konczewicz Michal Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Perog John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Roslewicz Andrzej Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Smegiel Casimir Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Tomczykowski Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1925 Zbrzezny Maryanna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Branas Zofia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Hantz Charles Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Milewski Broney Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Rakowski Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Sadowski Raymond Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Wegrzyn John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Yakobitis Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1926 Zadzilka Domienik Tombstone
PA Duryea 1927 Barsch Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1927 Gike Anna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1927 Kaczmarczyk Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1927 Kowalski John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1927 Szmanski Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Danilowicz Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Goleniewski Stella Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Koytek John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Kreminske Stephen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Ojciec Piotr Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Pietryka Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Piontek Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Piotr Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Potoski Leo Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Shukwit Margaret Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Strofowicz Mrozek Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Tykarski Benjamin Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Wojciechowski Antonina Tombstone
PA Duryea 1928 Zyvica Kachinski Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Cieciorka Tessie Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Kevra Wicenty Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Kulinski Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Olczak Weroniika Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Stryjewski Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Tomkiel Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Wasielewski Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1929 Zalewski Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Galuszka Jacob Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Janiecki Anna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Krawiec Maryanna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Puzanowski Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Wasielewski Karol Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Wudarski George Tombstone
PA Duryea 1930 Zaorski Jan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Ciepucha Kondratewicz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Kiewlak Andrzej Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Murzenski Stella Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Ososki Julius Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Rawa Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Stark Anthony Tombstone
PA Duryea 1931 Wolus Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Burzinski Duszak Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Dawid Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Kulas Julian Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Puchalski Victoria Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Renkar Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Wilbik Rose Tombstone
PA Duryea 1932 Witek Helen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1933 Gorchinski Theodore Tombstone
PA Duryea 1933 Kapuscinski Franciszka Tombstone
PA Duryea 1933 Kaveleski Veronica
PA Duryea 1933 Koes Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1933 Plona Adam Tombstone
PA Duryea 1933 Szymanski Mary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1933 Zarzecki Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1934 Borkowski Antoni Tombstone
PA Duryea 1934 Doboszynski Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1934 Hrzanowski Alexander Tombstone
PA Duryea 1934 Koss Franciszek Tombstone
PA Duryea 1934 Pierczhalski Rozalia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1935 Arent Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1935 Cur Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1935 Kalinowski Helen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1935 Maszerowski Edward Tombstone
PA Duryea 1935 Salek Bartholomew Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Burak Antonina Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Chichla Stephen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Kaczenski Julianna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Kruszewska Anna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Parzych Pawel Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Radzewicz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1936 Wysocki Josef Jr Tombstone
PA Duryea 1937 Borowski Adam Tombstone
PA Duryea 1937 Danilowski Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1937 Madrak Katarzyna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1937 Maziarz Thomas Tombstone
PA Duryea 1937 Nossavage Agatha Tombstone
PA Duryea 1937 Srebnowski Zofia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1938 Cimock Joseph
PA Duryea 1938 Krupski Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1938 Roslewicz Helena Tombstone
PA Duryea 1938 Slivinski Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1939 Czyzyk Bernard Tombstone
PA Duryea 1939 Fedorczyk Clement Tombstone
PA Duryea 1939 Patoka Helen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1939 Rushefski Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1939 Salansky Jennie Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Czukowski Ignacy Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Dudanowicz Josefa Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Jachna Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Kaveleski Helen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Mirek Wiktorya Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Piorkowska Rozalia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Vodarski Nieciecki Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940 Zaborowski Teofil Tombstone
PA Duryea 1940s Nowakowski Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Jarosewicz Henry Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Lucwinko Wincenty Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Parzyck Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Roginski Amelia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Szypulski Lawrence Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Yuknevich Vincent Tombstone
PA Duryea 1941 Zurek Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1942 Dudanowicz Kazimierz Tombstone
PA Duryea 1942 Gillis Anthony Tombstone
PA Duryea 1942 Kabacinski Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1942 Nosek Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1942 Wnenta Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1942 Zbrzezny Franciszek Tombstone
PA Duryea 1943 Bruzdzinski Berginski Tombstone
PA Duryea 1943 Naruszewicz Antoni Tombstone
PA Duryea 1943 Pierzchalski Ignaci Tombstone
PA Duryea 1943 Rutkowski William Tombstone
PA Duryea 1943 Tomkell Antonina Tombstone
PA Duryea 1943 Zackewicz Opolina Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Deluga Leonard Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Fitzsimmons James Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Grabowski Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Grzybicki Lottie Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Kulas Wojciech Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Madrak Peter Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Smegel Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Szymanski Henry Tombstone
PA Duryea 1944 Zajka Wincenty Tombstone
PA Duryea 1945 Bielski Dominik Tombstone
PA Duryea 1945 Helhoski Paul Tombstone
PA Duryea 1945 Yakupchak Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1945 Zongila William Tombstone
PA Duryea 1946 Grabowski Maryanna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1946 Winslow Helen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1947 Kula Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1947 Romanowski Mary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1947 Starzyk Catherine Tombstone
PA Duryea 1947 Zackiewicz Boleslaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Budovich John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Grochal Franciszka Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Grudzinski Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Kowalska Aniela Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Nicyperowich Peter Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Niedbalski Mary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Niziolek Maryanna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Olczak Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Percoski John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Swietliski Josephine Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Szelak Rozalia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1948 Yanik Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1949 Adamkiewicz Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1949 Danoski Stanis Law Tombstone
PA Duryea 1949 Dobrowolski Mary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1949 Sich Spulnik Tombstone
PA Duryea 1949 Strempek Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1950 Kevra John Francis Tombstone
PA Duryea 1950 Kish Joan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1950 Krupski Anthony Tombstone
PA Duryea 1950 Panetski Peter Tombstone
PA Duryea 1950 Stempkowska Zofia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1951 Jasinowski Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1951 Kmack Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1951 Koziol Anna Dunick Tombstone
PA Duryea 1951 Malinowski Michalina Tombstone
PA Duryea 1951 Poplawski Julianna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1951 Zawrotny Anna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Barbarewicz Walenty
PA Duryea 1952 Brezinski Stefan Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Celusniak Maureen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Chechourka Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Loughney Thomas Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Mlynarczyk Jozef Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Moleski Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Piontkowski Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Pyzena Julia Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Rava Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1952 Zadzilka Eva Tombstone
PA Duryea 1953 Swierczynska Adela Tombstone
PA Duryea 1954 Wiezbolowicz Wiktoria Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Doxbeck Emma Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Gawrys Antonina Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Jasinoski Stella Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Karczewski Anthony Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Kruszewski Stanislaw Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Mattus Julius Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Orzolek Walerja Tombstone
PA Duryea 1955 Zielinski Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1956 Gabedske Bernard Tombstone
PA Duryea 1956 Nowakunski Pauline Tombstone
PA Duryea 1956 Paroski Alex Tombstone
PA Duryea 1956 Pawlowski Stella Tombstone
PA Duryea 1956 Piekarski Henry Tombstone
PA Duryea 1957 Dominik Andrew Tombstone
PA Duryea 1957 Dronek Lawrence Tombstone
PA Duryea 1957 Rusewicz Catherine Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 DeBiasi Melio Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 Dructor Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 Kevra John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 Slatky Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 Szewczyk Adam Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 Wycallis Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1958 Wysocki Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1959 Barlick Stanley Tombstone
PA Duryea 1959 Geda Sera Tombstone
PA Duryea 1959 Hantz Charles Tombstone
PA Duryea 1959 Perkowski Michlena Tombstone
PA Duryea 1959 Russavage Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1959 Witkowski John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1960 Loychitz Margaret Tombstone
PA Duryea 1960 Sokolowski Mary Tombstone
PA Duryea 1960 Waszcak Franciszka Tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 Azarowicz Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 Azarsky Helen Tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 Buzinke Andrew Tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 McNulty Henry Tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 Olenick Stella Tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 Orloski Thresa tombstone
PA Duryea 1961 Zalewski Marcyanna Tombstone
PA Duryea 1962 Zudwick Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1963 Krimowski John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1963 Szewczyk Michael Tombstone
PA Duryea 1964 Baclawski Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1964 Novatski Edward Tombstone
PA Duryea 1964 Romanczuk Bernard Tombstone
PA Duryea 1965 Hokien Frank Tombstone
PA Duryea 1965 Ryzner Sophie Tombstone
PA Duryea 1965 Smith Thomas Tombstone
PA Duryea 1966 Shamrock John Tombstone
PA Duryea 1967 Stetz Thomas Tombstone
PA Duryea 1967 Wnenta Joseph Tombstone
PA Duryea 1968 Batten Albert Tombstone
PA Duryea 1969 Wieczorek Steve Tombstone
PA Duryea 1969 Zawacki Joseph Tombstone

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Brought to you by:

Bernie Stiroh
Nancy Stiroh Davis
Mike Lizonitz
and the generous people of Duryea,PA

Preserving the past for the future!
PLEASE NOTE!  The photos and information on these pages are to be used for PERSONAL USE ONLY!  Under no circumstances are they to be included in any "FOR PROFIT!" Venture.  The owners of the original photos retain all copyrights to these photos.  If you wish to use them for profit, you need the permission of the original owner.  If you see a photo here that you own the copyright to and want it removed, Email Me with the details and we will remove it. Since many of these are sent to us, it is hard to verify the information regarding each one. If you have additional information about something on this site, we would love to include it. If you see something that is incorrect, please let us know so we can correct it.

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