Welcome to the Duryea, Pennsylvania Mary Wanda
1910 to 1931 Birth Records Contents Page
Within these pages you will find links to items relating to Duryea, PA from the Mary Wanda 1910 to 1931 Birth Records.
1910 1931 Mary Wanda Listing of Birth Records
Mary Wanda was a midwife in Duryea, Pennsylvania and one of her duties was to record all the information regarding new births that she assisted with in Duryea and the surrounding area. Some of the info consisted of the both parents' names, including the wife's maiden name, where the parents were from, where they lived in the area, what their occupations were, the age of the parents, the time of birth, etc. They also recorded how many children this mother had and how many were living at the time of this birth. Many of these listings give a spelling for the last names that may be different than the way the name is spelled today. This info can be very helpful in researching family ancestors and we are very excited to be able to add this important resource to the WWW.DuryeaPA.Com website and hope some of the visitors will benefit from it.
Bernie Stiroh
Nancy Stiroh Davis
Mike Lizonitz
and the generous people of Duryea,PA
Preserving the past for the future!
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